Chapter 5

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"Nothing spreads faster than doubt."

When they finally arrived on Coruscant and Jatori returned to his father, Kira couldn't get the Mandalorian Jango Fett and more importantly, what he'd told her of the Jedi massacring his people off her mind. She couldn't fathom the Jedi actually doing something like this, sure Jedi and Mandalorians were ancient enemies but she was certain the Jedi wouldn't just off an entire group of people, at least not without provocation. She made her way to the Jedi archives and decided to investigate further. She took a seat at one of the computers and began her search.

It took hours but what she found was exactly as Fett had described. There was an 'insurrection' and the politicians were under attack from a group of Mandalorians known as the True Mandalorians, it even described that all but one single Mandalorian were slaughtered and that the Jedi had no say on what happened to the Mandalorian afterwards. It was suspected that the sole survivor was sold into slavery but no other information was listed.

Kira frowned. They didn't even try to stop it, they allowed the Mandalorian- Jango- to be sold into slavery without a single protest. She pitied the man. He had truly lost everyone he ever cared about in one battle. It might have been different if she'd just been told the story of Galidraan but she'd met a survivor, she sensed how he felt and the pain he had buried so deep down.

What worried her more was that the assault was lead by Jedi Master Dooku. She knew Dooku well, he had been close friends with Mace for many years. She had spent many hours training alongside his padawan, Komari Vosa as a young child. Kira realized it wasn't long after the Battle of Galidraan that Master Dooku left the Jedi Order all together. Did Dooku realize what she was beginning to? That the Jedi had made a mistake? If they could make a mistake like that once, how many other mistakes had they made over the thousands of years that ended just like Galidraan? For the first time in her life... she doubted the Jedi. For the first time, she saw why so many in the galaxy called the Jedi the Republic's dogs, sent out to obey orders without question. Had they ever checked their intel? Did they trust them?

"Are you finding everything you're looking for, Padawan Kenvor?" A voice behind her spoke up. Kira jumped, startled. She turned and saw a middle-aged woman with graying hair. It was the Chief Librarian, Jocasta Nu.

"Master Nu," Kira said with a hand over her heart. "You startled me."

"You must be very invested in your research." She noted.

"I am." Kira said with a smile.

"I'll leave you to it then." She said as she turned to leave. "Apologies for the fright."

Kira hesitated before deciding to just go for it. "Master Nu," She said reaching out a hand towards the older woman. "Can I ask you something?"

The woman stopped and glanced back at the young padawan. "Of course." She took a seat beside Kira with her hands folded neatly in her lap.

Kira sat sideways in her seat to face the Chief Librarian. "I'm doing some research on the Battle of Galidraan," She began, Jocasta's eyebrows rose in interest. "It says the Jedi had killed an entire squadron of Mandalorian warriors, all but one... why did the Jedi not step in and help him? He was sold into slavery. Why would the Jedi allow it?" Her voice had an underlying hint of anger as the words fell from her lips. Jocasta certainly was not expecting such a question. She took a moment before answering, she looked towards her hands in her lap then glanced back at the young padawan. Jocasta's face fell flat. Kira pursed her lips together realizing how her tone sounded and bowed her head slightly in embarrassment.

"If you recall, the Jedi were called in to neutralize terrorists. That Mandalorian group was attacking politicians, the Jedi ordered them to surrender and when they did the Mandalorians attacked and the Jedi had no choice but to retaliate." Jocasta said.

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