Chapter 16

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The Trials were over, the fear faded along with them. Now was the time to put it all aside for a single night atop the Ceremony Chamber. The humming of speeders far down below echoed faintly, a reminder of the bustling lives of regular Coruscanti people continuing on. The sun had begun its descent behind the city planet, painting the sky with an array of vibrant colors-pinks, yellows, and blues blending together like an artist's masterpiece.

Kira had spent the better part of an hour preparing in her room, brushing out her hair before tying it into a neat braid, making sure to leave her padawan braid out and draped down her shoulder. She thumbed the small braid, feeling the smooth beads between her fingers and reflecting on the journey they symbolized. Tonight, she would be a padawan learner no more.

The anticipation weighed on her, a mixture of excitement and anxiety. There were still feelings of being unprepared for what it truly meant to become a Jedi Knight, of leaving her master's side for the sake of another to take her place. The feeling of jealousy hadn't quite left her, but she forced it aside. It was the natural way of things for the Jedi. Mace had spent the better part of her adolescence training her, and now that she was ready to move on, he would take another and continue the cycle of creating more Jedi.

Plus, she had more to look forward to these days. She still wasn't sure how everything would play out with Jense, if anything ever truly came from it. It was still very early and things could change. She hoped that things would move forward positively but she could only imagine the kind of chaos she must have caused for the Mandalorian in seeking him out. There were still so many questions she had for him but they could all wait until she had time alone to contact him.

The Trial of Spirit had hung in the back of her mind, echoes of the rejection still lingering. The more she thought of it the more she had realized the desperate need for acceptance, not just from Jense but from Mace, even from Kal Skirata and Jango Fett.

There was a knock at her door, startling her out of her own thoughts. Kira jumped to her feet before crossing the room and waving her hand in front of the door panel. The door slid open with a soft hiss, revealing Master Yoda standing in the dimly lit corridor.

"Master," she greeted, bowing her head respectfully.

"Ready, you are?" he asked, a wise look in his eye, his presence comforting and steady.

She nodded. "Yes," she said, smoothing out the front of her tunic, the fabric cool under her fingers. "I believe so."

"Follow me," Yoda instructed with a little chuckle, turning to lead Kira towards the top of the Jedi Temple.

Kira followed in silence, her footsteps echoing softly as they made their way through the hallowed halls of the temple. They passed her peers, who each gave a nod of approval. Kira acknowledged each one with a slight bow of her head, feeling their silent support bolster her confidence.

Yoda led Kira to the turbolift, the doors sliding open to admit them. They stood in contemplative silence as it ascended, the quiet hum of the lift adding to the solemnity of the moment. Kira took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the occasion settle upon her shoulders. As the lift slowed to a stop and the doors opened, the cool evening breeze greeted them, carrying with it the faint scents of the city and the promise of a new beginning and with that new beginning meant more freedoms, more chances to go out on her own. More chances to make her way back to Mandalore.

Yoda and Kira made it to the center of the chamber, surrounded by eleven cloaked figures with their hoods over their heads. Immediately Kira recognized Master Windu in the center of them, their eyes caught for a moment before Yoda ignited his lightsaber. The green glow bounced off the walls illuminating in the eyes of the council members.

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