Chapter 7

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Jango and Kira stood at the base of Jango's ship, Jaster's Legacy, while they waited for Kal Skirata to gather his things. He said he would meet them at the hangar shortly but was clearly taking his sweet time. Kira's nose grew red from the cold winter day, though luckily the snow had slowed since she first arrived on the planet, though that didn't stop a thin layer of it from building up over the hood and shoulders of her poncho.

Kira wasn't quite sure how to feel about everything that was happening and part of her thought that all of this might have been an extravagant dream or vision, she never thought she would ever step foot on a planet like Mandalore yet here she was feeling like she was either about to regret every decision she'd ever made or, as Jango said, it would provide an escape from the agricorps should she fail her trials... if she didn't get in massive trouble for leaving Coruscant in the first place.

"You look like you're having an existential crisis." Jango said amused, breaking the Jedi from her inner turmoil. "Regretting it all yet?"

Kira's eyes shot to Jango and her mouth gaped open for a moment as his words filtered through her brain, her mouth shut and her lips pursed into a line. "Not yet." She answered shortly, taking a quick breath before adding; "Give it another few hours and that might change."

A low chuckle came from beneath the helmet. "It's not too late to turn back now."

Kira couldn't help the small smile tug at the corner of her lips. "Yeah, but like you said, I'll regret it if I don't at least see this through, plus I've gotten this far. I can't turn back now when I'm just a few hours from finding out who and what I really am."

"I could have answered that for you in the comm call."

Kira's eyebrow rose. "Oh? And what's that?"

"You're a Jedi." Jango said plainly.

Kira frowned. "Can't I be more than a Jedi?"

"Not likely."

"Why not?"

"You've lived as a Jedi for, what? Twenty years?"

"Eighteen." Kira corrected.

"Eighteen," Jango sarcastically repeated. "Exactly, why change now? Isn't it the will of the Force? As you've said before and clearly you're a devout servant of it, so why would you want to be anything else?"

Kira raised an eyebrow at him. "That's exactly what I'm trying to figure out." Kira said crossing her arms over her chest letting out a sigh, her breath visible in the chill air. "There had to be a reason that you and I were brought together and it led us to this moment so... obviously-"

Jango let out a barely audible sigh. "It was just a coincidence that you were on Tooma and have little impulse control." Jango said annoyed. Kira frowned. "You could have grabbed that brat of a kid and left without even being noticed but your lack of control is what brought you and I together. Not some higher purpose or fate or the Force."

Kira rocked, cocking her hip to the side. "If it wasn't for me, you'd be dead so don't act like you're not grateful to still be breathing.."

"I would have found a way out." Jango said, ignoring the obvious attitude coming from Kira. He leaned back against the hull of the ship, his backplate clanking against the metal wall. "I certainly didn't need the help of a Jedi."

"Yeah because without a Jedi you'd be lit up like the streets of Coruscant during the holidays." Kira spat back. "They would have never released you and kept frying your sorry backside until you were crispy."

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