Chapter 10

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The Mandalorians made it through the tunnels and came to a doorway at the end, Jango took the lead with his blaster raised at arm's length as they crept to the edge. Jango peeked through and his jaw dropped at the sheer size of the cave. It was big enough for a small town or village inside, though the only housing structures were maybe a dozen huts that surrounded one large bonfire, the outer part of the hidden town was surrounded by a moat of water. It was impressive that the whole thing existed, but no one knew it. He wondered just how much the governor knew about what was taking his townspeople.

Jango's attention was caught by movement towards the water's edge on a smaller peninsula, three Taavarians were standing on the outer rim, while another three were making their way down the bridge. The first, Jango realized, was the leader that quickly put him on his backside. The other two had their hands full trying to contain a being, half their size. She was struggling against them like a wild animal, shouting curses and a long string of impolite insults. Jango immediately knew it was Kira.

"What's the plan, Mand'alor?" Mij asked, peering over Jango's shoulder. "Just barge in blasting like madmen?"

Jango paused trying to think of the best way forward. They had to hurry, whatever they were going to do to Kira was going to happen in just moments, but he knew if they went barging in, they would likely get tossed around like ragdolls, but time was of the essence, and he struggled to decide the best approach. He had to think of some way that he could get both Kira and Jense out without dying first.

The Taavarians brought Kira to the center and forced her to her knees. The two who brought her there now held her still with the Force. The leader came up behind her watching her struggle before slowly making his way to face her.

Jango felt a panic arise in his chest, he assumed that since whoever he spoke to on the other side of the wall was still alive, the process wouldn't kill Kira, but he also needed her Force ability to release Jense from the prison he was being held in.

"We're going to bomb the place." He said, grabbing the thermal detonators from one of the many pouches around his hips.

Kal, Wad'e and Mij exchanged concerned glances.

"You know, Fett, I was joking when I said we were going to go in blasting like madmen..." Mij said, he laughed but anyone with half a brain cell could tell it wasn't genuine.

"Surely there are better ways of rescuing her, Jango." Kal said. "If we bomb the place the whole tunnel will collapse, and we'll all die."

"Then we'd better be quick." Jango said as he shoved the thermal detonators in Kal's hands. "Those things took us out, so we have to take them out before they have a chance. I don't foresee us getting out of here alive any other way. We have to be able to catch these things off guard and incapacitate them before they can do the same to us. Who knows how many more of those things are in here."

Kal's face was hidden beneath his helmet but the doubt he had on Fett's plan showed on his face, he knew trying to go up against the Taavarians would be challenging, but they had already killed three. They could do it again. The only one that actually concerned him was the leader, but Jango was right, they would need to get the drop on them in order to rescue Kira before they stole the Force from her. He sighed in defeat.

"Alright, we will set the charges," Kal said. "You get close to Kira and be ready to grab her when we give you the signal. We're going to have to be quick if we want to get her and Jense out before the place falls apart."

Nuenet slowly circled Kira, coming up from behind her. She listened to each step until he was in her field of vision. He stood in front of Kira, his eyes closed as if he were meditating, and his arms folded together in front of him with his hands pressed tightly together. For as gifted as Kira was in the Force, she was powerless against the hold the Taavarians had on her. None were touching her, but it felt as though a thousand hands were on her, forcing her to remain still. Try as she might, she would not be escaping their grasp without help. She knew Jango was smart, but she didn't even know where she was. Even if Jango was still alive, the likelihood of him finding her before the Force was stripped from her was highly unlikely. Still, she prayed that he would come to her rescue.

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