Chapter Three

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I can hardly keep my eyes open as I wake up unbearably early this morning to get ready for school. I threw on a black jumper and skinnies, with my hair tamed in a beanie. Not only does black look great, but it's impeccably slimming And I'll take all the help I can get in that department.

I made sure to wake up extra early today, so I could avoid any sly remarks from my dad and any interaction with my mom. When I get outside my house, my body is screaming for me to forget about school and, or any other responsibilities and go back to the comfort of my warm bed. It's so ridiculously cold outside so I practically run to my car and quickly turn on the heat. Once I've defrosted, I decide to go to Starbucks. No, I'm not some tumblr, Starbucks loving white girl. It's just cold and I would really like one of their hot chocolates right now.Besides, they have free WiFi, It's a whole win-win situation.

When I get to the little coffee shop and have picked up my drink, I sit at a small table near a window and pull out my laptop and open up a group chat that I'm in with a few people who follow my blog.

Help! I'm about to drink a hot chocolate from Starbucks! -better off dead

No! -Ashby
Don't do it. -Sykes
Think about all the calories -Urie

The messages fly in after mine. I think of this chat as more of a support group. We're all there for each other and help each other before slip ups. I'm on a strict 800-calories a day diet, and when these people, these stranger whom I've never met, care about and take care of me more than anyone I've known in person, I can't help but feel comfortable with them and open up.

"Kellin?" I hear my name being called. I look up from my screen to see Mike standing before me, holding a contagious bright smile which I willingly return.

"Mind if we sit?" He asked. We? I look a little behind him to find someone looking at their phone, uninterested in anything else. He is significantly shorter than Mike, has a nose piercing, and unlike Mike who I've yet to see his hair, this person behind Mike has long wavy locks that reach his shoulders.

"Sure." I answer. Mike takes a seat across from me and the other guy sits beside him without skipping a beat.

"Oh, this is my brother, Vic." Mike finally answers the burning question I hadn't exactly asked yet.

I smile and look over to Vic, but he has yet to acknowledge my existence, or really anything besides his phone. Mike nudges him with his elbow to get his attention.

"What?" He looks up at Mike looking irritated.

"This is Kellin." He tells him. I see Vic roll his eyes before looking at me with the same face. Once he's properly looked at me, his face softens. Have I finally broken him, will he finally interact with me like a normal person, rather than doing whatever he was doing on his phone? Like Probably playing some stupid game. I hoped to soon because Vic was quick to give me a nod and go back to his phone. Cool, another person to not give a shit about my existence.

"So, what do you got there?" Mike asked. I give him a questioning look, but then he points to my drink. I had almost forgot about it.

"Oh, a hot chocolate." I tell him and he nods. An awkward tension appears so I sip my drink to lesson it, while silently slapping myself for it. It's okay, it's only 400 calories, I tell myself as I continue drinking.

After some more awkward, small talk, they call Mike's name to pick up his order, which leaves just Vic and I at this table. To avoid awkward interaction with him, I focus my attention on my laptop. Some moments pass and Mike is still not back. It doesn't take this long to pick up a cup. I look over to see he's chatting with a girl who works here. Great. I look over at Vic, only this time he isn't looking at his phone, he's looking out the window. After mentally debating on whether to say something or not, I finally decide.

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