Chapter fourteen

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Okay so the beginning of this chapter mentions religion, so please don't get offended. These are Kellin's opinion. and once again, sorry for the weird spacing.


My chest felt heavy, making it impossible to breath properly. Actually, my whole body felt heavy and I couldn't move. Perhaps I was dead. Yup, that was it. I had died and God found out I didn't believe in him, so he banished me from heaven and I've been sent to hell. Or maybe it's how I always suspected, there is no God nor heaven and when you die, you just lay in darkness for all of eternity. It was the only logical theory of what happens to you after death. Heaven, God, and all those other religions were created to put the faith in people that when they die, there is something after. I guess it's just a way of comfort for them.

"Mr. Quinn." I hear from an unfamiliar voice. They call my name again and again, but no matter how hard I try, I cant seem to open my eyes and see who the voice belongs to. All I knew was that it belonged to a girl.

"Can you hear me?" The ask, and I can but I can't communicate with them. I want to cry out that I can hear them and ask if I'm dead; if they're dead as well, but I can't. I'm starting to go into panic.

"Is he okay? What happened?" another voice speaks but this one I recognize instantly.


I can't be dead. Vic is here and I just want to see him, if only I could just open my damn eyes already. This was now starting to get really annoying now.

"Yes, he passed out during the game and hasn't waken up yet. We tried to call family but they didn't answer. We needed someone to come by before we could call an ambulance. Um.. what's your relation with him?" The other voice spoke. It didn't surprise me at all that my parents didn't answer. They seem to always be preoccupied with something else. Even though I told them I had a game today, it wouldn't faze me if they forgot, neither does the fact that apparently, there was nothing alarming enough about the school nurse calling them to answer the damn phone.

"He's my.. boyfriend." Vic said, but hesitated before placing the label. Nonetheless, it brought butterflies to my stomach that fluttered all the way to my chest, making it a bit lighter and easier to breath. With the now less tension and the comfort of knowing Vic was here, it was now easier to find the strength to open my eyes. They lightly fluttered open, trying to adjust to the bright, mostly white room.

Eventually, I was able to make out the blurry figures that belong to Vic and another lady that I knew I had seen a few time before. I recognized she was the school nurse. So.. I was in the nurses office?

They hadn't noticed that I was now conscious with my eyes open, they were too busy talking and I still didn't have it in me to speak up, so I stayed quiet and listened to them talk amongst themselves.

"Please, don't call an ambulance." Vic pleaded.

"But he has a pretty high fever and hasn't waken. He should go to the hospital and get some fluids." The nurse said and I panicked. I can't go to the hospital.

"Vic." I managed although it was poor and rough.

Both their heads shot in my direction. Vic was quick to my side, putting a hand to my forehead to check my temperature and giving me a look of empathy.

"You're right," he sighed

"No." I pleaded. I thought Vic of all people would understand this.

"It's okay." he directed to me. He then stood properly and spoke to the nurse. "But you don't need to call an ambulance, I'll take him myself." The nurse agreed and no matter how many time I croaked no, they didn't listen, continuing their discussion of taking me to the hospital. Eventually, the nurse pulled out a wheelchair, but I refused it. She looked a little ticked off but cooled it a bit when she saw Vic helping me to walk instead. I didn't need a damn wheelchair. I still had my legs, I wasn't suddenly handicap, I was just a bit weak at the moment.

Vic thanked the nurse even though she did virtually nothing and took me to his car. Once I was buckled in and was given a blanket that the nurse gave to us on our way out, I spoke up because I didn't want to go to the hospital; I didn't need to.

"Please, don't take-"

"I'm not." he spoke before I could finish. I looked at him muddled. I thought he told the nurse he was going to take me.

"What?" I asked as he started the car and began driving us to, who knows where.

"If I take you to the hospital, they'll find out what you used to do and they'll take you away. Besides, I've been through this plenty of times to know how to take care of you." He said and we became silent for the rest of the ride.

There were a lot of things that I wanted to to talk to him about, like for one, he said what I used to do. It made my hear sink because I in fact hadn't stopped at all, he just didn't know that. Also, I had nothing but empathy towards him because all Vic was- was kind to me, and yet he's had to deal with this bullshit on multiple events that he knows how to take care of me expertly. But I decided not to think about it too much. I think I'll just stay quiet and let him take care of me- because I loved when he did that. I'm sure it will be fine, what he doesn't know wont hurt him.

We arrived at Vic and Mike's house, except I had no idea if Mike as here or not. Last time I saw him was at the game but that didn't work out too well. I wonder if he did anything when I passed out; I wonder if he cared. And if he's not home, then what time is it anyways? How long was I laying there in the nurses office before Vic arrived.

As Vic came over to my side of the car and helped me out, I looked around and saw that the moon was now out, but that didn't give me much. The sun was usually gone by 6 during this time of year.

Vic let me into his house and took me straight to his room without a word. I didn't speak either, I just let him do has he pleased. He did say he knew what he was doing. He had me lay down in his bed, bringing memories of the last time I was on it. I tried to push them away and focus on Vic who moved around his room, collecting things from various places of his room. He first wet a small towel and placed it on my forehead like he had when I got sick at my house. He then got a few pillows from the top of his bed a moved them under my feet so my legs were elevated. After that, he took a water bottle and dropped in what looked like salt, I really didn't know and didn't bother asking. He shook the bottle with its new contents till they nearly dissolved within the water before handing it to me.

"Drink this, I'll be right back." Before I could protest, he left the room. I sighed and sat up slightly. As much as I didn't want to drink this strange brew, I did want to feel better, and I trusted Vic. I took a few sips of the oddly sweet water before it started to make my stomach hurt, I stopped. A moment or two later, Vic returned with a bowl, coming over and placing it on the dresser by the bed.

"What is that?" I asked, trying to peer into the bowl.

"Did you do what I told you?" he asked referring to the weird water. I nodded but he still took it upon himself to check anyways. He sighed, probably disappointed that I hadn't drank as much as he wanted.

"It made my stomach hurt," I admitted.

"It's okay." he brushed. He then took the rag off my head and felt for a temperature. His face didn't contort to one of worry, so I assumed I didn't have a fever anymore. Then, he grabbed the bowl he had brought up, took a spoonful of whatever was in it, and brought it to my mouth. I moved my head to the side, earning an unsatisfied look from him.

"Relax, it's just vegetable soup." He told me.

Considering I was supposed to be getting better, I guess it would be better if I didn't act out and just ate the soup. He tried again, and this time I let the spoon pass my lips. The warm liquid ran down my throat and passed down to my stomach. The thought made me feel sick and I wanted to stop, but Vic was already putting a second dose in my mouth. By the fourth one I needed to stop or I was sure to puke. I pushed his hand away but before he could question me, I took the spoon from him, collected more soup on it, then brought it to his own lips. He gave me a confused look before hesitantly opening his mouth. I smiled and fed him the broth. It was just like when he was in my room and we shared the orange juice. I wanted Vic and I to be equals. I wanted to do as he did, and vise versa. So for the rest of the time, we fed each other the soup and only talked about small things when the silence became too much. He didn't ask why I hadn't properly talked to him in a week, or how things were going, and neither did It.

I felt comfortable.

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