Chapter Two

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I absolutely despise the feeling that takes over my body when I pull up to the school building. It's like a rush of anxiety that makes my stomach do flip-flops, and the rest of my body temble and sweat. I always makes sure to wake up a bit earlier on school days , so that I have time to sit in my car and mentally pull myself together.

From my car window I take a photo of my school. It's not enough of a view for you to see what school it is, but just enough for you to tell what it is, and how much of a shit it is. I post it on my page with the caption "I can't wait to escape this place." Before deciding I'm as "stable" as I'll get today, and get out of my car.

I still have a solid half hour before first period beings, but the school is still buzzing with students early as well. Normally, they come beforehand to catch up on homework that they "forgot" or head to the gym where everyone sits on the bleachers to hang out with their friends. I happen to lack in the friend department, so I typically just go to the library to hang out with the librarian. Yeah, it seems kind of lame but she's a cool lady. Well, as cool at a 67-year old lady can get.

"Hi Ms. Dean!" I chrip when I walk into the large room.

She looks up from behind her thick glasses and gives me a small smile. "Good morning, Kellin."

I smile brightly and walk over to where she is and take a seat behind the desk, right beside her. Ms. Dean is a truly amazing person. I met her my freshman year when I would come here for lunch. See, I tried going to the cafeteria the first week and it didn't exactly work out. I didn't have friends so I sat in a little booth by the back. It was okay the first two days, a bit lonely but bearable. Eventually, the small streak of being invisible to the eye of the upperclassmen came to an end and the taunting began. They would either take my tray, and think so high about themselves for that, or plan some "elaborate" scheme to make it seem like I actually mattered, and that they don't hate me. Then it would just backfire, on me of course, and everyone would burst into laughter. After that, I came here to the library for lunch. Nobody else ever came, and it wasn't until Ms. Dean eventually asked why I would come here everyday and I told her. It's all been uphill since then with our "friendship".

"How are you?" I ask her. Not that I except anything drastic to have happened to her since yesterday to today, but it's still kind to ask.

"I'm good. My knees have really been aching with the cold whether though." She said. Much like many older people, Ms. Dean has arthritis. It gets really bad in the winter that sometimes she can hardly move.

"I'm sorry to hear that." I tell her with a frown. "Hopefully, winter won't be too long this year." I don't even believe myself for a second. We live in Michigan and the winters have always been brutal. She's smiles nonetheless with hope in her eyes.

"What about you? How are you doing, sweety?" She speaks slowly, dragging and hanging on to the last bits of every word.

I sigh deeply before answering. "My dad is forcing me to tryout for soccer."

"Are you going to do it?" She said with a frown.

"I have to, you know how he gets." I tell her and she nods her head slowly. She knows exactly how he is. I've told her everything, and have opened up to her completely. When she was first told about my dad, she freaked, especially when I told her that he had hit me. She wanted to tell somebody and supposedly get help, but I begged her not to.

"But I plan on totally bombing it. There's no way they'd put me on the team, And after they say I didn't make it, I'll pretend to be really bummed about it and my dad will feel bad for me rather than getting mad." I explain to her feeling pretty proud of myself for coming up with a plan like that.

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