Chapter One

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As soon as I am in the comfort of my own room, I shut the door behind me throwing my school bag to the side. School was hell as always. Fortunately, I have one more semester of Junior year, then I will finally be a Senior. I'm just that much closer to getting out of that place.

I direct myself straight to my desk along my wall and take a seat. I flip open my laptop and log into my comfortable, homelike site called Tumblr. Tumblr is almost like an addiction for me. I crave to be on it at all times. I hardly get sleep due to it but it's not that bad, I sleep in most of my classes without going noticed anyways.

My fingers kiss the keyboard typing in my user 'Better Off Dead' and my password. I watch in anticipation as the site loaded. Finally, it did and I see that I got a few new followers. How lovely, I'm now up to six thousand.

My account is one I take quite the pride in. I started it my Sophomore year and it has grown so much since. My account is an all black and white account where I like to blog about my journey into perfection, I guess you could say. Basically, I spend a lot of time altering my body, trying to fit the definition of "perfect" and posting it to help people.

I look at the new people who have followed me. I don't recognize any of them, and they are into the same stuff as me so I except them. I hadn't posted anything since last night, so I suppose I should do that now.

I get up from my desk and walk over to my closet. Stepping on my toes and a box, I reach for my camera that I keep hidden on the top shelf of my closet. Once I feel it in my grasp, I grab it and jump off the box. I turn it on and open my dark curtains to let some natural light in. Standing before the window, I pull at my jumper, just enough to show my highly defined collarbones and snap the picture. I decide I like the photo before closing my curtains again and plugging my camera into my computer.

After some filter and other such effects, The key is to make sure I don't show my face, My blog is anonymous, and I'd like to keep it that way. I post it and within seconds my notifications spark to life. I smile feeling great about myself.

I spend the rest of my afternoon and night in the same position at my desk going through Tumblr like it's my job. Once I see it's three in the morning, I log out of my account and drag my drained body to my bed and fall asleep in a matter of a few even breaths.

The next morning I wake up at six in the morning like always, to get ready for school. In the back of my mind I'm slapping myself for staying up so late because I'm incredibly exhausted, but then I remember why I stayed up and I know it was worth it.

Stripping down to nothing, I stand before my bathroom mirror and cring. I definitely have some work to do, I think to myself. I pull out my phone and take a few photos of my stomach and the base of my ribs that poke out.

"Needs work." I caption and post it.

I turn on the shower and after waiting for it to be hot, I step in and let the steam consume me. Most of my time in the shower is spent with my eyes closed and my body taking the light beating of the hot water pressure. Once I'm all wrinkled up, I get out and do what I need to before going down stairs.

"Kellin." I hear my dad's voice from the kitchen. I roll my eyes in annoyance and the fact that he heard me coming down. I was hoping I could sneak out of here before my parents saw me. It's just easier that way. I sigh deeply before walking into the kitchen where I located his voice to be. He sits on the table reading emails while my mom cooks. I don't say anything but stand at the doorway and wait for him to speak.

"So I got an email from your school." He said without looking at me. Still I say nothing, not really knowing where this is going.

"They said there was soccer tryouts today." He said. I go to roll my eyes but then he truns to look at me so I just pretend to look interested in what he said. I used to play soccer, all the way from first grade to ninth. I was pretty good at it, but I hated it. I mean, it was fun when I was younger but after a while it became more of a priority and all my dad cared about when it came to me. Last year I told him I didn't want to do it anymore, He got furious and even gave me a good slap. It hurt like hell and he would yell at me at any chance he got. Eventfully, I didn't tryout like he wanted and he didn't talk to me for a month. Even now he rarely does. Now he's pretending like nothing happened and asking me to do it again.

"I don't know dad." I hesitated.

He turns away from me back to the table and reached for his coffee. He took a long sip before putting it down with much unnecessary force making me jump.

"Goddammit!" He boomed.

Maybe I should tryout. I'll just do really bad and I won't make it. He couldn't possibly be mad if it's not my fault.

"Just kidding!" I said with a nervous laugh. He looked at me with his face contorted in confusion.

"I was just kidding, Dad. Of course I'm gonna tryout." I said sounding confidante but on the inside I was shitting bricks.

He face began to lighten and then he let out a deep chuckle. I let out a breath I was apparently holding in and was thankful he fell for it.

"You should eat something then. You have to have your energy food." He said. It didn't make much sense since tryouts would be after school and if I were to eat the "energy food" it would be gone by then. It was the thought that mattered though so I grabbed an energy bar and showed it off for him to see. He smiled and with that I left the kitchen without so much as a word to my mom, nor a goodbye to my dad. Once I was outside I through the bar into my bags and got into my car to get to school.

First chapter! Okay, so this is a new story (Kellic) and I'm very excited. This first chapter was a bit shorter, because it's more of an introduction. But the next one will be much longer and hopefully out within a week. I hope you liked it. :)

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