Chapter Thirteen

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Disclaimer: If the spacing is weird or everything is put into awkward, long paragraphs, it's because I used my brother's computer to write this..and it was weird. Okay!cool!


Yeah, I was practically freezing. My body was shaking in desperate need to warm up. Even in my uncomfortable slumber, I could hear the sound of the heater blaring through the ducts, So why wasn't I satisfied? Why was I still violently shaking?

I opened my heavy eyes and took in my surrounding. I was in my room which brought almost no comfort at all. And then I saw him. He was still asleep, looking content. I wish I was in his position, instead of feeling like utter shit, like I was right now. It was similar to how I felt earlier, when I was hanging a barely there hangover, but it was quite different. But still familiar.

And then it started. The uncomfortable churning in my stomach, to the uneasiness that rose at the back of my throat.

"Shit." I muttered. I quickly threw the covers off my surprisingly, burning body. Even though I felt like I was physically being dunked into a tub of ice water, my body was alarming hot to the touch. Not that it really mattered, I was mostly focused on getting to the toilet before I got sick on my floor- or anything else than the bowl.

Dropping to my knees just in time, I hovered over the bowl and emptied my stomach of mostly vodka. If I thought it was bad going down, you can only imagine how terrible it felt to be coming back up. It physically burned, matching the temperature of my body. Maybe my body was finally just giving out on me, Not that I mind much.

Feeling a bit better-but not nearly, I flush the toilet and sit there, leaning against the bowl like it was my life-support, feeling out of breath. My body didn't have enough in It for this, but at the same time, it wasn't very alarming. It was actually a bit addicting.

"Kellin." Vic's voices carries from the doorway. I seems like I was always puking my insides out when he was around.

I hum in response, hoping it would be enough as I don't have the strength to speak. In fact, I'm too tired to even lift my head. It's still resting against the cool bowl. He doesn't respond so assume he just didn't hear me. Suddenly, I feel I hand on my back, making me jump slightly.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I don't respond so he takes it upon himself to lift my body from its previous position, so I was now properly looking back at him. He was before me, kneeling somewhat like I was. His face changes to one full of concern. He puts his had against my forehead and sighs in response. "You have a bad fever,"

That explains why it was so familiar. I've had plenty of fevers before, but this one seems a bit more intense. Maybe because my body was to frail to take care of itself.
"Are you gonna throw up again?" he asked cautiously. I don't think I was. Now it was just a pinging headache that was killing me.

"No," Meaning for it to come out a lot louder than it had.
Vic nodded before standing up. He then bent down enough to hook his arms under mine and lift me with him. Once on my feet, I dropped all my weight on him, falling into his arms so he had to hold me up. In reality, I could have stood up perfectly fine on my own, maybe with a minimum support from Vic. But I was attracted to Vic, and I wanted him to hold me.

Sue me.

Instead of pushing me up once I fell into his arms, he moved his arms to wrap around me- like in a hug, and held me there. He sighed into the somewhat hug and kissed the top of my head. Even though I was all sick and probably looking real gross at the moment, he still gave me that small notion of affection that made me impossibly happy.
Eventually, Vic did move us back to my bed and just like before, he was just as intentive to me and taking care of me. He had a damp towel on my forehead and gave me some painkillers with water. I found him more attractive in this sense than when we were having sex.

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