12. Distant like day and night.

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Jay who was waiting for her, in the living room found some envelope below Granny's go-to book. He took it out. It was a letter to him by Granny. He felt a sudden ache in his heart. But he stitched his lips. ' There lies nothing in fearing the sadness. Sadness will come no matter what.'  he thought to himself. And opened the letter.

'' Dear Jay,

If you're reading this, it means I've left.  I'm sorry for all the storms I brought. I'm sorry for not being able to bid you goodbye. It's not easy for me to say goodbye to you, you know this.  You are the best human out there I ever met. Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for believing in me. For accepting my apology even when I shattered your world. I'm sorry, Your old Granny loves you, my child.
Remember to take care of yourself, and don't get too busy with those trees, let them breathe on their own. Will you? Take some time out and visit the gardens That Eden one and that hanging garden too.
Take care. Okay?

Granny. "

As he read the letter, tears started making their way on their own. But he was strong enough to hold them back and fake a smile.

Sarah came out with more than half a glass of water and asked Jay to have it, till she makes the dinner. Jay drank it. They both had the last dinner together.

The next morning Jay woke up, there was no one in the house but he. He prepared breakfast and went to work. Sarah was there but now she wasn't in the human form. She was invisible. Seeing that Jay looks good enough and the water worked she felt sad. But that was the only way to get out of this mess. She then left the house to meet Granny.

When she entered the headquarters to meet Granny she came to know that Granny had already left. There was a message Granny left for her.

' Dear,  I know I'm the wind of all the storm that got the lives of you two upside down. I'll pay for my faults. You no longer have to stay here. You can join the train to the afterlife. I'm glad you did what I asked you to. I'll be able to leave without regrets now.
Granny Maya.'

Sarah felt cheated again. It was spring but cold winter hugged her at the end.
She closed her eyes to take a deep breath, but when she tried to open her eyes, it was hard for her. She couldn't, the darkness and emptiness ate her up. She would be reincarnated. The dust of sadness was still all over her. She hoped that this emptiness wouldn't interfere with Jay. She hoped Granny was here. The tears dried, as she wondered the distance of dimensions is the same as day and night. As she again tried and opened her eyes she wasn't able to put the energy required but finally she succeeded and  found herself in the hospital.


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