Nightmare Images

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Here is the next chapter! Sorry that it was a bit late! Just a warning, this will be one of the darker chapters! I hope that you enjoy it! 👍


Back in the past, in Hanover ... in little Annabelle's home ...

Annabelle pushed open the living room door slowly, holding a glass of lemonade in her other hand. When her family and Mr Willis had gone inside earlier, the photographer had asked Annabelle if she could please get him a drink of lemonade while he 'took some more pictures of the rest of her family'.

Mr Willis had smiled wider than normal as he said that, but Annabelle didn't think anything of it. She thought this photographer was a nice guy, much more friendly than the previous one last year.

Annabelle'd got the bottle of lemonade out of the fridge, poured it into a glass, and added a few ice cubes. It was summer after all.

"Here's that glass of lemonade you asked for, Mr Willis!" she called, standing in the doorway. The little girl's smile quickly vanished and changed to a look of absolute horror and fright as she saw what was going on in the sitting room at that moment!

It was like a scene from a horror movie!

Her loving father lay dead on the sofa, her brother sprawled dead on the floor, and as for her mother ... Annabelle saw her mother lying on the floor being strangled by a tall man who was bent over her. Hearing the daughter's words, the tall man looked up. It was the photographer: Mr Willis!

"Why, thank you, honey drop!" he replied with a grin. "I'll be with you in just a minute!" Mr Willis didn't seem friendly anymore; no, quite the opposite!

Instead of his smile being charming and courteous, it was now twisted and showed nothing but sadism and murderous delight. The photographer wasn't even trying to hide his monstrous side now; he was openly revelling in it ... in front of the now severely traumatised Annabelle.

Sobbing in terror, the little girl dropped the glass she was holding, and ran for her life; helter-skelter out of the front door. Jerry Willis winced at the sight of the breaking glass.

Kids these days. Way too sensitive. What a waste of good drink!

He then sighed and got up. Oh well, now Jerry had a little chasing to do. He preferred it when his prey didn't fight back much and just submitted to their doom.


Only kidding, he LOVED chases! It always made the conclusions fun! ... at least for him.

Annabelle ran out of the house like a wolf was behind her, not thinking about any particular destination. She just wanted to get out, out of there!!

"Help! Someone, help me!" Annabelle cried and shook as she thought about her family back there. Her ... now dead family. Tears streaked her face.

How could he?! How could Mr Willis do such a thing?! He seemed so nice!

The little girl couldn't resist taking a quick peek back at the house, and immediately wished that she hadn't. The photographer / murderer was standing in the doorway, looking straight at her, looking mock impatient ... but smirking at the same time. In one hand, he was holding a kitchen knife.

"Oh, come now, child. Don't make this any harder than it needs to be", Jerry called mock-comfortingly ... knowing inwardly that the fleeing girl would be anything BUT.

Annabelle immediately turned back around and ran faster, now heading towards her front gate. If I can get to the street, someone will help me! Unfortunately, luck was not on poor Annabelle's side that day. Her foot accidentally caught on a rock on the grassy ground, and down she fell!

"Oh!" The little girl cried as she crashed into the grass, flat on her face, knocking the breath out of her. Slightly winded, Annabelle lifted her head and turned ... only to see Jerry standing over her, blocking out what little light there was. His eyes gleamed just as bright as the knife he held. The little girl trembled, raising her hands up in an attempt to ward him off.

"Stay away!" she sobbed. Jerry Willis looked down at Annabelle with as much sympathy as a weasel has for a rabbit it's caught.

"I couldn't have taken a more perfect picture myself. Hold still now, child."



A helpful hint to all readers: when booking photographers to come and take photos ... always check their résumés beforehand.

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