Glitch? ... Maybe.

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I'm back! 😁 Hello! I'm very sorry, I got overlaid with work, and a lot of dehydration. 😔🥵 I deeply apologise! 😞 Things are back to normal now though! Hope that you enjoy the chapter! 👍


Years later, at Willy's Wonderland restaurant, in the evening ...

The hours passed. All too soon, the re-opening of Willy's Wonderland was over. The doors of the restaurant opened and its newest customers streamed out; chatting to each other, smiling, and carrying balloons.

Posing with his hands out, Tex watched families stream past him, out of the Super Happy Fun Room, towards the exit. He smiled at one little girl in the crowd (with a blond ponytail and blue balloon) who turned and waved at him.

"And that was just a small taste of what we've got in store for you, folks. Come back later tonight for the official big, grand opening! And bring some friends!" Tex proclaimed. The crowd excitedly chatted to themselves about Tex's announcement.

The white-suited businessman smiled a perfect business smile. "It's gonna be big! Huge!" he added, grinning. Members of the crowd whooped and looked even more enthusiastic than before.

From where he was standing in the stage, Willy Weasel watched Tex making his announcement closely. He chuckled inwardly. As much as Jerry / Willy didn't like Tex, he had to admit that the new restaurant owner certainly had a talent for business and drawing in new customers.

Nearly as good as me!

This would benefit everyone in the long run; primarily himself, Willimeena and his gang. Tex looked a bit nervous though for some reason. The big weasel wondered why.

Once the last customer had left through the doors; and his staff had closed them, Tex's dazzling smile instantly vanished. He mopped his forehead with a cloth, visibly sweating.

"Whew! That was too close!" Tex muttered, remembering the earlier incident involving Knighty Knight. His brow furrowed. "Where the hell is Jed?" the businessman demanded. Tex needed to have some WORDS with the sassy mechanic.

He walked over to the restaurant's kitchen and opened the door. "Either of you two numbnuts seen Mr Love around here?" Tex called, looking into the kitchen.

The two male staff members, who were presently cleaning up in the kitchen; both nodded. One had light brown hair, a blue shirt, and was wiping all of the surfaces down.

He was also holding a spray bottle in his other hand. The other had dark brown hair, glasses, red shirt, and was stacking red plastic cups in towers on the kitchen counter.

"I think he's back in the Super Happy Fun Room, sir?" the blue-shirted employee said, without turning around. Tex smiled.

"Thanks!" He turned to go, but then paused. "And put a little elbow grease behind that! We need this place to sparkle!" Empowered by their boss's encouragement, the two staff members redoubled their cleaning efforts.

Tex left them at it, and walked towards the Super Happy Fun Room. And the cause of his recent concern. The stressed, white-suited businessman entered the aforementioned room, and found that Jed was indeed there.

The middle-aged mechanic was busy fiddling with the gears of the knight animatronic with the screwdriver, his back to Tex. (Well, pretending to fiddle with the gears ...) Tex approached the duo gingerly, keeping a worried eye on Knighty Knight's suspiciously sharp sword.

"There you are! I thought you said you had these things under control!" One of Jeb's eyes turned towards Tex, as one corner of the mechanic's mouth twisted into a miniature sneer of contempt, still chewing his cigar from earlier.

He then stopped, put his screwdriver inside his jacket, and turned around. The sneer instantly vanished off Jed's face as he turned; replaced by a sassy smile. Tex continued his rant, leaning close to the deadpan Jed's face.

"This one almost ******* some guy! I saw it!" Inwardly, Jed cursed at Knighty Knight. Couldn't they wait for a bit?!

He'd checked to see whether it was a mechanical issue, courtesy of Willimeena informing him of the incident right after. But it wasn't. Of course not. Jerry never built these machines to fail easily, he was never a sloppy guy.

"What would we have done then?" Tex snapped at Jed. The mechanic had to restrain his immediate angry reaction, and gave his friend and business partner a reassuring smile.

"There must have been some kind of glitch, is all. Don't worry about it, Tex. I've got this all under control." Tex huffed, clearly only half convinced.

"You better!" the restaurant owner replied bluntly, before turning around and leaving the room. Jed sighed, and then turned back around to Knighty Knight.

"Easy, big fella! You just need to be patient a little longer," he soothed, pointing at the motionless knight animatronic.

"Their patience is running out though", a childish girl's voice sounded from behind him. Jed flinched and whirled around. He relaxed as he saw the toy weasel from the main hall standing on the floor in front of him, with folded arms.

"Oh Willimeena, it's you! I thought it was one of the others." Willimeena shook her head, her expression serious.

"Nah, but they're getting bored. My daddy has a lot of patience, but he'll move eventually." She leaned closer as she spoke in a whisper.

"They're probably gonna hunt very soon, so the staff had better watch out. Day is safe, but nighttime's huntin' time." Jed sighed.

"I know, I know." He glanced at the door of the Super Happy Fun Room. "I don't think much of Tex's staff though", Jed remarked, scoffing.

"Bunch of idiots they are; bound to run into trouble if not kept an eye on", he spat in derision. The mechanic then turned back to the little weasel pup.

"I gotta go, Willimeena, but ask your dad to remind his crew to be patient for a teeny bit more ... Knighty especially. It'll be worth it, I promise." She nodded and smiled.

"On it, Jed." The mechanic then ruffled Willimeena's ears, and walked towards the door of the Super Happy Fun Room, leaving too. The weasel doll's smile widened.

Maybe everything will be all right?

"Tell-tale!" hissed a voice from above her. Willimeena looked up to see Knighty Knight frowning down at her.

She simply stuck her tongue out cheekily at him.

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