A Brush with Cuteness

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Siren Sara's new hairstyle is discovered! Just a warning, this chapter is laden with a lot of fluff and cuteness! 🥰🥰 Is that okay? Hope that you guys like it! 👍


Siren Sara and Tito swiftly but not too noticeably, shuffled in front of Willy in order to hide the living doll. The last thing they needed was for the current employees to notice that Willimeena was alive!

Luckily for the animatronics, Tex's staff were too busy getting ready for opening time to really look at the stage ... which was a relief! The fairy then turned her head and shot a surprised look at Willimeena.

"I thought that you were going back to your counter?" she questioned. Sara had expected the living toy to go to her designated spot. Not that she ever minded seeing Willimeena though!

"Well, I wanted to give Daddy his hairbrush back first," the little weasel pup replied. She reached down into the pocket around her and pulled out the hairbrush.

Willy's crewmates on the stage all raised an eyebrow at seeing the brush; being the last thing that they expected their leader to have. Knighty Knight coughed in a reserved way.

"Er ... boss, why are you carrying a hairbrush in a pocket?" he asked. The big weasel was suddenly very interested in the grains in the wooden boards of the stage.

"No reason!" he said quickly, not looking at anyone. Siren Sara and Cammy shared a knowing look.

In the past, they'd once caught Jerry in the restaurant's bathroom; brushing his hair immaculately and applying hair gel. Their boss had immediately threatened them not to tell ... or else.

He hadn't brushed since the ritual though, for some reason? Maybe he couldn't grip the brush properly?

Willimeena yawned a little as she climbed out of the pocket and dropped safely to the ground, in front of Willy Weasel. The little doll got to her feet, brushing herself down with one paw. She still had a tight grip on the brush though.

"The pocket felt so comfy, and I was a bit tired ..." She blushed adorably, trying to hide behind the brush in her paws, covering her face. Willy and the other animatronics on stage visibly struggled not to awww at the sight.

Tough ... but they just about managed it! The big weasel allowed himself a tiny chuckle and ruffled his daughter's ears.

"It's okay, Bia, don't worry!" Willy then paused for a moment. "By the way, darling ... what exactly did you want the brush for? You never said?" he asked, curiously.

It had been a peculiar, sudden request from the possessed toy, in her dad's opinion. Willy didn't refuse the request though. The weasel doll's blush only deepened at this, and she shot a quick glance at Siren Sara.

"Um ..." Willimeena's father followed her gaze to the animatronic siren, not understanding why, at first. His eyes suddenly widened, and then narrowed.


"Yes, boss?" the fairy robot spoke nervously.

"Have you done something with your hair this morning? It looks more brushed and different from yesterday?" he said.

Siren Sara immediately fought mentally to suppress a huff at her boss's lack of attention in that respect. She ended up smiling sheepishly, and gesturing to the little weasel toy in Willy's front pocket ... while sending Willimeena an apologetic look.

"Arabia here offered to do my hair before opening time", the animatronic siren explained. All of the other animatronics, including Willy, looked down at Willimeena in astonishment.

"You can do hairstyles?" Gus asked in surprise. The gorilla hadn't noticed Willy's kid doing any such thing before. The little weasel doll shrugged, although with a little shy smile.

"I read Auntie Cammy's hairstyle magazines one time, when she wasn't looking", Willimeena admitted bashfully. She'd temporarily run out of reading materials at the time, and pinched the magazines out of boredom.

"I also brushed my doll's fur a lot in the past. I figured that it would be just like that: but with hair." At this point, Willy and his crew were all grinning approving grins at the weasel pup.

"You little scapegrace!" Ozzie whispered as he smirked down at Willimeena. Cammy then put her fabric-covered hands on her hips, looking mock-reproachful.

"So that's where my magazines went!" she said. Siren Sara nudged the animatronic chameleon in the ribs playfully.

"Oh shush, you're not really mad at her, are you?" A wink and a wider grin were the robotic fairy's answer. Tito Turtle chuckled and impetuously reached down with a clawed hand to tickle the little weasel's tummy.

"You're wonderful at sneaking, aren't you, chica!" he purred, enjoying the pup's helpless giggles as she collapsed to the ground. Willy nodded at Tito's words, in total agreement.

"Yeah ... very sneaky indeed ..." the big weasel said. His voice then faded into silence as Willy became temporarily lost in his thoughts.

To tell the absolute truth, Willy Weasel was a bit jealous of Sara's new hairstyle. Scratch that, Willy was INSANELY jealous of it! The man inside the big weasel thought that Arabia should have brushed HIM first!

But then again ... Bia wouldn't be Bia without her generosity and kindness. Jerry, personally, wouldn't swap his sweet little girl for anything else in the world! Hmmm ... then maybe ...

Willy Weasel then cleared his throat.

"Bia?" he asked, in his most charming voice. Tito Turtle stopped tickling Willimeena, allowing the weasel doll to get to her feet.

"Yes, Daddy?" she said in a gasping whisper, slowly calming down.

"I don't suppose that ... you could brush my fur out? Like what you did for Sara's hair?" Willy asked.

Willimeena's eyes widened as she took a long, feet-to-head look of her EIGHT FOOT TALL weasel father. He ruffled her ears again, causing the little weasel to purr a little.

"Come on, do it for me? Your sweet, kind, loving daddy?" the animatronic weasel purred as well, his eyes glinting with amusement. Willimeena smiled nervously as she nodded.

The weasel pup ended up leaning so far back; looking up, that she flopped over backwards cutely. Lying on her back on the stage, Willimeena hummed to herself, thoughtfully.

"I think ... I'm gonna need a bigger brush."

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