Asylum Sweet Asylum

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This is the second-to-last chapter of Book 1! The asylum part of the series starts now! Do you think that I've portrayed Jerry in character okay? I hope that you guys like it! 👍


In an unnamed asylum, back in the past, just under three months later ...

A scowling Jerry Willis was being frogmarched down a blue and gleaming clean corridor by two male orderlies. The serial killer was wearing an outfit that was pretty similar to the one he wore in court.

Jerry had insisted on at least choosing the colour of his shirt when he arrived at this hellhole. Orange was one of his favourite colours, and so was the shirt Jerry chose. He wanted to salvage whatever little dignity he had left.

Just as well the people in charge of the place granted Jerry's request, the serial killer had been in a pretty foul mood for months. He wanted to be free. And he wanted his Arabia back.

The mocks and taunts from the prosecutor in the courtroom still rang in Jerry's mind, haunting him like ghosts. Especially the ones about Arabia getting adopted by another family.

Hell will FREEZE over before I let THAT happen! I hope that Bia is coping all right at the moment. I swear the world will pay for every second she's ripped from my arms!

Revelling in his daydreams of glorious and bloody revenge, the serial killer clenched his fists so hard that his knuckles gleamed white. He then immediately felt the orderlies' grips on his shoulders and arms tighten painfully and warningly. Jerry bit back a hiss of pain as he glared at the two men.

The now-patient would have liked nothing better than to take those fools out with his bare hands ... but HE wasn't a fool! Jerry had found out; from watching various incidents, that the asylum staff each carried at least one taser on their bodies.

The serial killer certainly had no wish to get tasered again; especially after what happened at his arrest months ago. Frustrating as it was, Jerry would toe the line ... for now.

"Can you believe this ****** killed all those people and we have to take him for his mandated time to 'socialise'?" he heard one of the two orderlies say to the other.

"Even psychopaths have rights, Evans", the other orderly replied. The serial killer's eyebrows rose at this. Socialise? Do they mean ... make friends?

He silently scoffed at this. Jerry worked alone, always. Except for Arabia, though.

She was the exception.


In a big room at the asylum: the 'Super Happy Fun Room' ...

Finally, Jerry and the orderlies entered a fairly big, blue-grey room that was crammed with other people. Patients were playing games and chatting. Orderlies patrolled around the edges of the room.

A large sheet of light grey paper was stuck on the left wall, with duct tape on the corners. It read: SUPER HAPPY FUN ROOM.

Oh, the irony. A little smirk tweaked the corner of the serial killer's mouth for a second. Jerry was then unceremoniously dumped down on a chair in front of a desk in a corner of the 'Super Happy Fun Room'.

A black-haired, bespectacled, stern-faced woman wearing a white medical coat and outfit was sitting at the desk. She was flicking through a large file that she was holding in her hands.

The woman quickly looked up at Jerry as he was plonked on the seat by the two orderlies behind him.

"Here you are, sunshine! He's all yours, doc!" one of the orderlies said. The staffers then removed their hands off the serial killer, but remained standing behind his chair. Just in case.

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