Shocking Behaviour!

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This is a bit of a long chapter as there's some character development for Willimeena, as well as some puns added for extra comedy. Also, this is based on a couple of pages of the first WW comic that some people I know have found ... controversial. I, however, have fixed it so that it's no longer openly obvious. I hope that you guys like it! 👍


In the present day, Willy's Wonderland, morning ...

Tex Macadoo bit his lip as he stared down at his staff. They were all sitting at a table in the main hall of Willy's Wonderland; facing him, while Tex himself was standing. It was just before opening time, a cloudless day outside, and everything was almost ready inside the restaurant.

All the staff were prepped for another day of fun in Willy's Wonderland! Well ... almost all. Tex ... felt a bit jumpy for some reason.

That incident with Knighty Knight a few weeks ago had spooked the white-suited businessman badly. Even though nothing had happened since then, Tex still had the feeling that something was not quite right at Willy's Wonderland.

Jed had reassured him that the incident was just a glitch, but Tex; to his perceived shame ... felt inwardly that his old friend was not telling him everything about it. That rather upset Tex, to tell the truth. He'd known Jed for sometime, ever since he'd come to live in Hayesville years ago.

What wasn't Jed saying?!

But no matter, I'll deal with it later! Right now, I've got some things to hammer into my workers' heads this staff meeting!

Tex Macadoo then cleared his throat sharply, and addressed the staff before him.

"We have got to have our 'A game' going on here, people! I gave these folks a Tex Macadoo guarantee! Ain't no coming back from that!" the businessman emphasised, a serious look on his face.

The black-haired, green-shirted employee in the green shirt looked slightly confused, but still smiled.

"Why do you look like you're about to have an aneurysm, Mr. Macadoo? Those folks earlier today seemed like they liked the place just fiine", she said.

A visibly sweating and agitated Tex whirled around and frowned at her, his eyebrows narrowed.

"Fine? Fine won't cut it, ******! I've soaked every last dollar I have into this place!" he fumed, waving a finger in the green-shirted employee's face. "Failure is not an option, people!"

All of his staff all rolled their eyes at this. The dark-grey-shirted employee then sighed and got to his feet, the others rising too.

"I knew I should have worked at the 'Stop-N-****' instead", he said in a resigned voice. "I'm going to scrub down the bathroom, Mr Macaloon ... I mean, doo", The grey-shirted employee grabbed a mop and a bucket full of cleaning utensils from a nearby table as he spoke.

The other staffmembers immediately burst into sniggers at his words. Their aforementioned boss tried to ignore the annoying laughter as best he could, even as he gritted his teeth slightly.

"I'll help!" the bespectacled, red-shirted employee spoke, between chuckles. Tex watched the two men go into the bathroom, before shaking his head and turning back to the rest of his staff.

"Get to work! Everyone!" the white-suited businessman ordered. The still chuckling group began to disperse out to their various tasks. "Belle, I need your help in the back room!"

Tex quickly beckoned to her, and then walked towards the left side corridor. With a smiling Belle in tow. Just as the duo were out of earshot though ...

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