Deathly Divulgence

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Here we are at last! The final chapter of this fanfic book is now done! I hope that you guys like it! 👍


Present day, in the dining hall, Willy's Wonderland ...

Tex Macadoo walked briskly down a corridor in the restaurant, looking anxious and slightly ashamed of himself. The white-suited businessman then took a quick look at his watch and breathed sharply as he saw the time.

Almost opening time!

Having recovered from the slap earlier, Tex had been running around Willy's Wonderland like a cat on hot bricks. He encouraged all of the staff to get ready quickly ... well, almost all of them. Tex couldn't find Belle anywhere.

When the restaurant owner had asked, the other staff members told him that Belle had gone to sign some paperwork in one of the side rooms. She looked pretty miffed at the time though.

Tex felt pretty bad for his lame apology earlier, and planned to tell his pink-shirted girlfriend the full story. When he found her, that is! The man suddenly stopped as he smelled something familiar.

Is that ... yes! It's Belle's perfume!

Tex then followed the scent to the next door on the left. The white-suited businessman paused by the door however, hearing some voices coming from inside ...

"Fine work, Arty!" A strangely familiar voice, one with a New Jersey accent, was speaking. "Ozzie gets some credit too, though."

There was a spluttering noise immediately after.

"Ozzie?! Ozzie barged in on my handiwork unwanted! I was handling it just fine!" growled a second voice.

"So you call 'the prey running away': handling it, huh?" a girlish, slightly eerie voice questioned.

Something snarled loudly, and then there was a loud smacking, punching smash. There was silence for a moment.

Then ...

"Great move, you brainless reptile! Now, there's a big dent in the wall!" hissed the girlish voice.

"Tex will fix it, it's not like he could fine me, hehe!" replied the growly voice in an uncaring tone.

"Knock it off, you two; or you'll wake Bia up!" the first voice ordered, a tinge of anger in his words.

"She's still sleeping?" the second voice remarked, with a flicker of amusement.

"I'm not surprised the little chica is, with all the brushing she did!" muttered a heavily accented voice.

"You look very handsome now, boss! Even more than before!" purred the girlish voice.

Silence once again reigned ... but this time it was more of a smug silence.

By now, Tex Macadoo was very confused indeed! Who are these people? Did Belle invite them over? Are they friends of hers?

He quickly remembered his first objective though. Find Belle. The white-suited businessman then opened the door and stepped through, raising a hand to his mouth.


In a particular side room, where Belle met her end ...

"Belle? You back here?" Tex called. "I'm sorry. We're getting ready to open up though. I'm going to need all hands on deck!"

As his eyes took in the room before him, the restaurant owner gasped in absolute horror and shock!

Belle was dead!

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