Jerry's Little Kitten - Part 2

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Here's the next chapter! 😁 I've had to split the backstory into two more chapters again, it was very long! 😊 This one has a surprise for Jerry, lol! 😂 I hope that you like it! 👍


Four years ago, in the same city of Bainbridge ...

Now, Jerry Willis was usually not the kind of person to go to nightclubs. They were noisy, full of annoying people, and he preferred to 'work' at night instead.

But ... a new nightclub had opened nearby recently; a very glamorous one too, according to rumours! It was located in the shady part of the city. You know the sort of thing ... the kind of place where you wouldn't go unless you knew how to use your fists, and had knives inside your jacket.

Everyone he knew in the criminal underworld here was checking it out ... and saying how cool it was.

What could he say? It had caught Jerry's interest.


Down a seedy-looking street, a sign outside an building entrance that literally blared loud jazzy music; read 'Hugs of Dusk'.

At first, it hadn't seemed all that different from all the other nightclubs ...

Jerry was leaning against the side of a bar serving drinks, his expression one of resigned boredom. Overly-loud music, sweaty people dancing and brawling, cramped space ...

So NOT glamorous.

Jerry's frown suddenly melted into a look of pure atonishment as the music quietened down as a seductively beautiful girl made her way out onto a stage nearby, dressed in a glittering belly dancer's outfit.

Woah ...

She then began to sing, dance and wink at the people surrounding the stage. All of the girls in the audience were looking rather jealous, as all of the boys' and men's gazes were following her winks and dance moves closely, with dropped jaws. Including Jerry. He quickly changed his mind.

It seemed that this place had some glamour after all!

The dancing singer finished her song and dance routine with a flourish and bowed as thunderous applause thus commenced. The serial killer's awestruck expression then slowly turned into a smug, charismatic smile. He pushed himself away from the bar and walked towards the stage, straightening his collar a little.

Jerry quickly found out that the dancing singer girl had charm and wit as well as beauty as they chatted at the bar ...

Jerry and the girl performer sat on stools at the bar, chatting quietly. They were drinking too; the singer had a martini in an glass, while Jerry had a full glass of Jack Daniels (very strong whisky). The secret serial killer talked and drank, while the singer chatted a little, fluttered her eyelashes at him, and smiled entrancingly.

They talked on ... and drank some more.

And more ...

... and more ...

The rest of the night slowly turned into a complete blur for Jerry. Even when he wobble-walked back to his flat at 3:00 am the next morning, the man still didn't remember what happened earlier.

When he woke up though ...


It was not a headache, it could not even be described as a head-ACHE! 'Ache' was too small a word to use. It was like his brain had been turned into a miniature nuclear explosion! It felt like he'd been run over by a steamroller, ten times in a row!

All of the windows in Jerry's bedroom had their blinds pulled right down, the lights were turned off, and the man himself was groaning in bed. Jerry was lying face down, with his pillow over his head. Every single little noise that he heard, felt like hammers on the brain! God, he hated hangovers!

"I ... am ... NEVER ... drinking ... Jack Daniels ... EVER ... again!" the serial killer vowed in a gasp, and groaned again.

"Ooooo, my ... head ..."


The next day, life just continued on as normal ... and he didn't give a thought to the events of his night out. Why should he? All over and done with!

Jerry later discovered, nine months onward, that that wasn't the case ...

A sharp, loud  rat-tat-tat on his front door woke Jerry from dreamland; hard, impatient knocks that seemed to demand attention. The man bit back a curse as he looked at his bedside alarm clock.

5:40 am.

Freakin' hell!

Jerry grumbled a little as he rolled out of bed, slipping his clothes on. Who, beside the night owls and mad idiots, would be knocking at a serial killer's door at this time in the morning?!

The pseudo-photographer stomped out of his room, and into the front hallway; ready to give whoever it was a good yelling for waking him up too early. He pulled open the door with a jerk, revealing ... nobody out there at all?!

Jerry frowned in puzzlement, hearing the almost silence of the early morning around him. No one there? Was it just a prank then?

Just some stupid kids knoc-

He then heard a sound from near his feet. A little cry, a bit like a kitten's tiny mew. Jerry looked down, and his eyes widened. A fair-sized, blanket-covered basket stood on the doormat, moving slightly. The man hesitated, before slowly reaching down towards the basket.

Was it an animal? A kitten, maybe? But why would someone bring him a kitten? Jerry slowly grasped the blanket, and slowly lifted it away ... revealing a little pink face and tiny hands.

Jerry immediately freaked out; dropping the blanket and backing a few steps away indoors, his heart beating faster in shock. A minute passed, in utter silence. The surprised serial killer was still trying to calm himself down, leaning against the doorframe.

What the hell was a baby ... a BABY (and a pretty small one at that!) doing on his doormat?! He didn't think it could get there on its own!

Jerry then blinked as he noticed a piece of folded card tucked into a fold of the baby's blanket. He took it and read it.

You sure know how to have a good time, Jerry, but I'm afraid that my career has no room for "extra baggage". If you don't want it, give it to the local orphanage.

Yeah, I know. Arabia's mother's a jerk! Vote and comment if you like it! 👍

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