Trouble with Law ... and Lawyers

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This was certainly a very long chapter to write! Sorry for the wait! Just to warn people, there will be lots of drama and some angst in this chapter! Bit of tearjerker, I'm afraid. I cried a lot when I was writing it, lol! Hope that you guys like it! 👍


A courthouse, somewhere in Nevada ...

Court had never been Jerry Willis's favourite place in the world, to put it mildly. The banging hammer was always hard on his ears, his wrists hurt from the handcuffs, and the serial killer hated the perpetual condescending tone of the judge. Of ALL of his judges.

The current one was wittering on about the beginning formalities of the trial and bla bla bla. Boring. Jerry immediately tuned him out and glanced around the courtroom he was in.

Hmmmm ... pretty much the same setup as last time. Judge, jury, police officers beside me, prosecutor ... wait ... is that who I think it is?

The tall serial killer instantly stiffened, his brow creasing in a deep frown on his face. Darn it! Darn it! DARN IT! Jerry's gaze narrowed in on the present prosecutor who was sitting down, waiting patiently.

As if the lawyer in question had sensed the serial killer's gaze, he looked up and glared straight at Jerry. The hand-cuffed man returned the glare with equal venom. Jerry knew him ... oh yes, he sure did!

Back in his birth state: New Jersey, he'd gone on trial for 'photographing' his first three families ... and guess who that prosecutor had been?! No second guesses, hehe. The guy had tried to get Jerry sent to the chair in the past ... but you can't put Jeremy Robert Willis down so easily! No sir!

Luckily for Jerry, the serial killer had managed to smooth-talk his way out of facing serious charges that time. He put it down to his natural charisma and metaphorical silver tongue. That was what his father called it anyway.

Jerry remembered his dad saying in a drunken rant that his son was ... a silver-tongued little swine. Ah Dad, always the most polite one of the family ... The aforementioned serial killer got five years of supervised probation and a two-year mental therapy course.

Excruciating, of course ... but totally worth it! In Jerry's mind, though. That prosecutor had been spitting furious when the grinning weasel-like man had got off.

Jerry had loved the frustration; but now ... he was just uncertain. The serial killer wasn't COMPLETELY sure that he could get out of this particular mess ... unscathed.

The trial then started.

The prosecutor started making a long speech to the jury and judge. Jerry, meanwhile, put on his best and most charismatic smile. The serial killer focused on keeping calm; pretty much all that he could do at the moment.

Just stay calm like before, Jerry. Breathe. Don't let that lawyer get to you. DO NOT let him get to you!

"This ... this animal has already been convicted of killing three other families while posing as some kind of photographer just to get into their good graces!"

These particular words caused the serial killer's brow to furrow a little. First of which, he was NOT an animal. Animals and humans are very different, goofbrain! Use your intelligence ... if you have any, that is?

Jerry chuckled at that briefly. And secondly, he WAS a real photographer ... he didn't pose as one! Studied and practiced as a professional photographer too!

The prosecutor then began to show several blown-up pictures to the jury, who looked pretty horrified at the sight.

"And this is what he did to them! All of them! Mother! Father! Son! And poor, poor little Annabelle!"

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