Rowdy Rages

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Danger alert! This chapter contains one very angry weasel! All safety precautions need to be taken; and all readers need to have the Janitor on speed dial ... just in case, lol! I hope that you guys like it! 👍


5 minutes later, in the dining hall, Willy's Wonderland ...

"She WHAT?!" Willy Weasel growled, barely holding his rage in. The animatronic weasel was so angry that he felt like he could erupt into flames, if that was possible.

All of the animatronic characters were now on the stage in the main hall, including Siren Sara. The robots were staying as still as possible, but were talking out of the sides of their mouths to each other.

The siren animatronic had just finished telling Willy all about what had happened in the back room ... and he was instantly furious, as the fairy had expected.

"It's true, Willy! That Belle girl was snogging Tex in the back room, dressed very indecently!" Sara stated, smirking as her boss grew angrier and angrier.

Her crewmates, in comparison, were very shocked by the audacious rule-breaking.

"Hmmph! Don't they have any sense of decency?!" Knighty sniffed, looking scornful and fingering the hilt of his sword.

"Tex is the manager of the restaurant, he really should lead by example ... not engage in naughty behaviour", Cammy murmured, shaking her head slightly.

"And that's not the worst of it", the siren robot said slyly. Ozzie raised an eyebrow.

"Really? What could be possibly more shocking than what we just heard?" he asked, blinking. The ostrich's friends, barring Willy, all turned their heads slightly to give him a really sarcastic look.

Their expressions were all saying the same thing: 'Are you seriously tempting fate, you big dumb bird?!'

Willy was just ominously silent. Sara then cleared her throat awkwardly, and continued.

"All this was mere seconds after Willimeena left the back room. If she hadn't left then, our little pup might have been witness to all of that unsuitable stuff!" The last couple of words dropped into a growing, invisible black hole of silent rage.

Rage of the weasel leader! The other animatronics looked aghast at that; very much horrified at the thought of their adopted kid witnessing that kind of thing.

They were cross too, but the crew's tempers were nothing compared to Willy's! The weasel robot was struggling to hold his anger back. His fists were clenching very tight and his teeth were bared.

It was unintentionally unnerving the staff who were getting the main hall ready for the day ahead. They secretly wondered what was up with the seemingly lifeless, singing animatronic weasel.

"Oh boy!" Gus muttered anxiously.

"Por favor, cálmese, Señor Willy! (Please, calm down, Willy!)" pleaded Tito, the poor turtle wringing his claws in worry. There was little that they could do if their boss decided to go on a blind rage rampage.

Willy Weasel's right eye was definitely twitching in a sign of frustration and rage.

"She's fired."

"Boss..." Siren Sara began, looking rather nervously at the employees in the hall in front of them.

"I want her employment 'terminated' NOW. I won't have that ... 'woman' having 'relationships' where my little Bia might accidentally see them", the weasel robot snarled softly.

Willy's crew all got the feeling that their boss wanted to describe Belle as something other than 'woman'. They all mentally sighed in relief though.

If the big weasel wasn't swearing, it meant that he was calming down from the sudden flash of extreme rage that had come over him. No blind rage rampages ... for now.

Arty then coughed pointedly, an evil smirk growing on his face.

"I assume that 'terminated' means what we all think it means, hehe", he spoke slyly. Willy smirked back.

"It is!" he said. The weasel's mood perked up instantly on seeing the other animatronics become excited and happier at the thought of finally being able to hunt!

The big weasel wanted to do it himself, but it would be very risky. He'd be missed very quickly, but maybe one of the others ...

Willy's gaze flickered over his animatronic friends as he considered the options.

"Arty, you go. Search all of the side rooms and the back room. Find the birthday 'Belle' and 'inform' her that her employment is terminated", he ordered the alligator.

Arty smirked even wider with glee. The other six crew members' faces all fell a bit at this in disappointment. Ozzie, in particular, screwed his face up in annoyance.

"Why Arty?" he complained. "He's appalling at dealing with pretty girls!" The alligator animatronic immediately stopped smirking and scowled at the ostrich.

"Shut up, birdbrain!"

"Well, you are!" Ozzie seemed to be uncaring of Arty's rising anger. "I remember the last time that Jerry sent you to take care of a pretty girl! How long did it take you to come back?"

The animatronic bird then pretended to think about it.

"What was it again ... oh yes! Half an hour!" Arty flushed at that, as well as the raised-eyebrow looks from his friends.

"Ambushes take time to do, featherhead!" he muttered gruffly. Ozzie scoffed loudly.

"That long? Oh please! You get easily distracted, that's your trouble!" The green alligator bridled angrily at that!

"I do NOT get 'distracted'!" he snapped.

"You do too!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do n-"

"SHUT UP! The both of you!" Willy hissed, having enough of the duo's bickering for one morning.

Ozzie and Arty shut up instantly and obediently. The animatronic weasel sighed. They really didn't have time for all this arguing!

"Arty, make haste with the task; it's almost opening time! Quicksticks!" he ordered, sharply. Willy's alligator subordinate then nodded, turned and went through the nearest green glittering curtain.

When Jerry Willis had founded the restaurant back in the past, he'd arranged for two openings at the back of the stage; hidden behind long, green, glittering curtains. Openings that were secretly connected to the corridors of Willy's Wonderland.

Perfect: for the animatronics getting around without being noticed moving a lot. The big weasel's front pocket in his overalls suddenly bulged out slightly as a medium-sized shape inside squirmed up.

The movement caught the animatronics' instant attention, and they all looked down to see Willimeena's head unexpectedly emerging from the pocket. Her eyes screwed up a little as she yawned cutely.

"What's all the loud hoohaa about?" the little weasel pup then asked, cocking her head to the left.

If anyone wants to see an example of Willy in a blind rage rampage, see Round 1 of his fight with the Janitor! Vote and comment if you like it! 👍

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