family reunion

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"How's she holding up?" Nigel asked Jace who was driving the car. They arrived in America five minutes ago and now they're going to Jace's house in America.

"Good. She'll send us a message when Ryan comes back. She told me that He doesn't have any men inside the house, all are outside and there are fifteen men in front and fifteen at the back. We'll send out at least thirty men, we've got to outnumber him." Jace replied, his eyes focused on the road ahead.

"Then what happens after all these are done?" Nigel asked, staring at Jace.

Jace raised his brows in confusion, "what do you mean?"

"Between you and Avery. What's gonna happen between you two? Wait- I've got a better question...what is going on between the two of you?" Nigel asked, curiously.

He noticed how Jace and her spoke over the phone. Sometimes, they would call each other even when they had nothing to update which made Nigel grew suspicious.

He wondered if Jace and Avery were hiding some other thing from him. If they were, he was sure to find out what.

However, he was hoping to hear that Jace and Avery were together but his hopes went down when Jace said, "We are friends. I missed her and I'm trying to catch up with her again- I mean you know, we thought she was dead. Avery was one of the closest friend I had."

"But you could be more than friends. You flirt with her a lot." Nigel said before adding, "over the phone."

"I wouldn't call that flirting." Jace scoffed. Nigel raised his brows at him, "Seriously?"

Jace nodded which made Nigel smirkes before he repeated what Jace said to Avery the other day,
"I don't like when people touch what's mine."

"You eavesdropped?!" Jace asked, almost shouting.

"No I overhead." Nigel corrected, "Like I overheard that one..." then he repeated another thing that Jace said to Avery again, "He fucking calls you baby?!"

"Why the fuck would you even eavesdrop on my conversations?!" Jace asked. He had the strong desire to kill Nigel but he held on that desire and focused on the road.

"Well I told you that I was bored but no! You wouldn't listen to me so I...listened to you, I mean your conversations." Nigel replied with a smirk.

"By the way, was that jealousy which I heard in that tone of yours?" Nigel asked, his smirk never leaving his face.

"What tone?" Jace asked, his eyes not leaving the road.

"He fucking calls you baby?!" Nigel mimicked again and then he laughed.

"I'm driving. I need to concentrate on the road." Jace said and then he started to ignore him.

After about eight minutes later, they arrived in front of a huge gate. The watchmen opened the gate instantly as soon as they saw Jace.

"We will start the plan as soon as we receive the message right?" Nigel asked as both of them got out of the car.

"Yeah." Jace responded. Nigel walked towards him and stood beside him as they both started walking towards the door.

Nigel knocked on the door and a maid opened the door instantly. They were welcomed inside and guided in the living room where all the Black Family as well as the Walker Family were there, sitting in the living room.

"What are y'all talking about?" Nigel asked, seeking the attention of everybody in the room.

As soon as their eyes fell on the two boys, they all smiled brightly.

"Jace!" Ashlynn exclaimed as she stood up from her seat to hug her son.

"Mom, how are you?" Jace asked while hugging her back.

"I've been good. So, where is she?" Ashlynn asked, breaking the hug.

Jace furrowed his brows in confusion, "Where is who?"

"The girl who's going to be my fucking daughter-in-law. Don't tell me it's a boy-" Ashlynn said but Jace instantly cut her off,

"I haven't found one yet!"

"Oh." Ashlynn mumbled, "You better find one soon."

"Where's dad?" Jace asked, as his eyes travel around in search for his dad but failed to find him anywhere.

"He went to meet his old friend who also came in America today." Ashlynn replied.

"Hey Big Brother!" A girl who was about twenty one years old said to Jace with a smile. Jace smiled at the girl who quickly hugged him.

"What's up Jen?" Jace asked as he hugged her back. Jenna broke the hug before saying, "It's been damn boring without you."

"Wow really? What about me?" Nigel asked, frowning.

"What about you?" Jenna asked, raising her brows. Nigel rolled his eyes but smirked, "I know you missed me too, darling."

"I didn't." Jenna replied with a smile. Nigel rolled his eyes but didn't say anything.

Jenna is Mike's and Valerie's daughter's daughter. Jenna's father left her mother when she was five years old and she never heard of him nor has she met him ever since.

After spending thirty minutes with the family, Jace's phone beeped with a message from Avery which said,
"He's here."

Jace nudged Nigel who instantly got the message as they both stood up and then left for the Italian-American Mafia Base to get the men and to start with the plan.

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