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Two Weeks Later


We were at the BET Awards after party and I looked over to see Robyn hugged all up on Drake. They were in a booth across from ours so I got an unobstructed view of her giggling and him kissing her cheek. They looked like a couple. What the fuck does she think she's doing? The fact that the answer to that question was technically none of my business was irrelevant. I glared at them for a few minutes until I saw her excuse herself to go off somewhere. Before I knew what I was doing, I stood up.

Bey: Yo Jay, Ima be right back.

Jay: Ight.

I headed off in the direction I last saw her. I walked down the hall in time to watch her slip into the bathroom. Looking around, I slipped in behind her and locked the door. She turned around, startled. When she saw it was me, she rolled her eyes and started touching up her makeup in the mirror.

Bey: Having fun?

Rih: Yep. *smirks at her reflection*


Bey: So. You and Drake fuckin' again? You all over him and shit.

She spun around to face me and narrowed those beautiful eyes. God, she's sexy. Focus.

Rih: 'Scuse me?

Bey: *leans against doorframe, crossing her arms* Should I speak...slower?

Rih: Are you serious? Ok, first of all- I wasn't 'all over' Drake. And second- I don't see what the problem is if I was. You made everythin' clear to me dat day. YOU rejected ME, remember? So what I do is none of ya fuckin' business.

Bey: *straightens up* Soooo you go whorin' around with Drake, for what? To get back at me? That's petty, Robyn. You're a beautiful girl, have some class.

She angrily capped her lipstick and stomped over to me. For a second I thought she was gonna hit me. I think she did too, but then she took a step back and shook her head. I let out the breath I didn't realize I'd been holding.

Rih: You really don't get it, do you?

Bey: What?

Rih: You're in love with me.

Bey: *stutters* W-what? I-

Rih: *sighs* You think just because you never said it out loud, that makes it any less true? You forget dat I know you. Seein' me wit Drake fucks you up. It's all over your face. I mean, ya jealousy is what made you follow me in here. Because if I'm giving someone else attention, that means I'm no longer hangin' from ya tits. And dat... Dat thought makes you so sick. Doesn't it?

Rihanna POV

I didn't expect her to answer. If anything, I figured maybe she'd just huff and storm out. So when she growled, literally growled, and forced her lips on mine, I almost forgot to breathe. She pushed me back against the sink, our mouths still attached, and she bit my bottom lip. I moaned. I couldn't help it, she had me lit.

She pulled back just enough to look into my eyes, a wild possessive look on her face. She placed her hands on the wall behind my head.

Bey: You want me to say it? Fine! I fucking love you, Robyn. I am in love with you and seein' you with anyone else makes my fuckin' skin crawl. I wanted to beat the bricks off of that nigga for touchin' you where only my hands should touch. You. *kiss* Are. *kiss* Mine. *kiss*

She pulled my dress up around my waist and pushed me onto the sink counter. Sliding inbetween my legs, she slipped her tounge into my mouth, her hand not wasting any time rubbing me through my panties. I was a moaning mess. She pulled back.

Bey: Nobody else's.

Before I could respond, she pushed my panties to the side and plunged two fingers into me. Hard. Capturing my scream with a kiss, she sped up and added a third finger. I bucked my hips in time with her thrusts, my juices leaking onto the counter. She broke the kiss and bit my neck.

Bey: You like that? Huh?

All I could do was grunt, I had nothing to say anyway. She already knew how much I loved it. Her dominant nature was half the attraction.

Bey: Cum for me, Beautiful. I wanna see you. Come on...


Robyn cumming is still one of the most beautiful things I have ever witnessed. Her mouth opened in a silent scream, that one vein in her neck bulging, her enchanting greenish-hazel eyes staring right back at me. I looked down just in time to watch her swollen clit squirt into the palm of my hand. I pulled my fingers out and held her eyes as I slowly brought my hand up to my mouth. I licked every drop of her juices off. I don't think she blinked the whole time.

Rih: Fuck. Dat was-

Bey: Amazing.

I pecked her once more, smirking at the love bite I'd left on her neck. Mine.

Bey: Come on. Jay's probably lookin' for me.

When I said that, she sucked her teeth and hopped off the counter, fixing her dress. She didn't speak a word to me as we cleaned ourselves up and reapplied our makeup. After admitting my feelings to her, I know our relationship had shifted. Something in my heart hurt alot more when she was upset.

Bey: Rob-

Rih: Save it. I already know what it is. You don't have to wait for me. Get back out there to ya precious Jay. I'll be fine.

I sighed. I hadn't meant it like that. Jay and I were going back on tour and we had a flight to catch in the morning.

Bey: Baby, don't-

Rih: Stop. Just go.

I stared at her as she turned her back to me pretending to fix her already fixed hair. I knew she just wanted to be alone for a few minutes, so I didn't press the issue. She was scared. I understood that. I had no idea how this relationship would work, but I knew this wasn't the end.

Bey: I'll call you later, ok?

Rih: Mhm.

Bey: Can I get a kiss before I go?

Rih: Don't wanna mess my lipstick back up.

I sighed again and left. Luckily no one was anywhere near the bathroom and I was able to slip back into the party unnoticed. When I finally found Jay, he was deeply engrossed in a conversation with Madonna and it appeared that he hadn't realized how long I'd been gone.

A few minutes later Robyn re-took her seat next to Drake, smiling and laughing like she didn't have a care in the world. I knew it was all bullshit, though. Her smile wasn't as bright, her laugh sounded forced. When she looked up after taking a sip of her drink, I caught her eye. Her face hardened in anger and...before I could decipher anything else, she looked away.

Jay leaned over and cuddled me into his side, kissing my cheek.

Jay: You ready to go, babe? It's nearly two a.m. I know you're tired and we got a flight in a couple hours.

And it's little things like that that make me feel even worse about everything. He is every woman's dream. Kind, attentive, affectionate. Not only am I in love with a woman he personally signed and considers his little sister, I just had angry-jealous sex with said person less than twenty minutes ago. I'm going to Hell on a private jet.

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