About Last Night... Pt. 2

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Mama: Beyoncé, if you do not bring yo' ass here!
Bey: *crying* What I do?! I'm sorry!
Mama: How you sorry if you ain't know what you did? Come. Here.
Nicki: *struggles with Bey* Bey she will beat me just to get to you! Get away from me!
Mama: *growls* You got 10 seconds.

Nicki finally successfully pushed me in front, with her back against the far wall. I don't blame her. I would've gladly sacrificed her so I could attempt to escape, but I was too slow and weak from last night. It sounds fucked up, but if you've ever gotten hit with a leather belt in the shower, you'd understand.

Mama: 5 seconds and I'm comin' in there to whoop both y'all asses for gettin' my hair wet.
Bey: M-mama, I'm 33! You-you can't-
Mama: Come ova here. Let's discuss it.

Nicki pushed me so hard, I literally fell into my mother's arms. I tried to pull away, but she caught my arm and went to town. The whole time, in my head, I was cursing out every single person in this house because I know they could hear me screaming but didn't come to help. And Onika's cowering in the corner like a little bitch.

Mama: Whatcha cryin' for?! *crack* Shut up all dat screamin'! *crack* Now, what *crack* did *crack* I *crack* tell *crack* you to do?! *crack crack*
Bey: *sobbing, choking* I-AHHH forgot, Mama! AH! I-I'm- *blubbering*

By this time, I don't even know what I was saying. The beating only lasted about 5 minutes but you still could've cooked eggs on my ass. I haven't been beaten in over 10 years, so it was like my first time all over again.

Mama: Stand up straight and stop all dat damn cryin'!

I sniffled and gasped and she stood there waiting for me to get it together.

Mama: Now. Y'all get out, get dressed and meet me downstairs. Fifteen minutes, you hear?
Bey/Nicki: Yes, ma'am.

I turned off the shower and saw that my mother was still standing there. She wasn't really in the way, but she was too close for my comfort.

Bey: *sniffling* Mama...you gonna-
Mama: Go, chile!

My eyes flickered between her face and the belt she was still holding. I counted down from 5, and attempted to scurry past her. She caught my back a little, but I kept going until I was back in the bedroom. Apparently Onika was slower than me, because I could hear her scream. Mama passed through without a word, and Nicki came limping in after. I winced a little, putting my underwear on.

Nicki: *sniffling* Owww!
Bey: You good?
Nicki: *throws lotion bottle at Bey's head* Fuck you! No, I am not! I don't even know what I did!
Bey: *dodges* I got a feelin' she been wantin' to do that since she met you.


After we finished getting dressed, we went downstairs and gingerly sat down on the couch opposite my mother, waiting patiently for her to speak. She finished up her phone conversation and looked at us for a minute.

Mama: Goodbye, Onika.
Nicki: Yes, ma'am.

I watched Nicki run off happily.

Mama: Begin.

I didn't know where she wanted me to start, so I figured I'd start from the moment I realized I was attracted to Robyn, to everything with Jay, to last night. She was like a statue the entire time, only raising her eyebrow once or twice throughout. When I finished, I trailed off uncertainly.

Bey: ...and that's it, I guess...um. Yeah.

She nodded and stood up suddenly, making me flinch backwards into the couch.

Mama: Where's the girl?
Bey: *confused* Huh? Robyn? I haven't-
Mama: No, Fool. The one from the pictures. Where is she?
Bey: I don't know.
Sol: *yelling from kitchen* She left with her friend to go pick up her son! I took her number down for y'all just incase. You want it, Mama?
Mama: Naw, baby. Beyoncé's gonna call her.
Bey: Why?
Mama: To get her to sign a confidentiality agreement. Now, I just got off the phone with your assistant, and we agreed that you can run this one of two ways: come out about your impending divorce and present-
Sol: *yelling* Stella!
Mama: *glances towards kitchen* -present Stella as your girlfriend.
Bey: Or?
Mama: Do nothing.
Bey: Mama, I can't just- wait. You're ok with this?
Mama: This situation? Hell no! And trust that it is taking everything in me to keep from hoppin' over this coffee table. But your sexuality? Yes. I will always love and support my children. Anyway, I guess you could say that I been had a feelin'.
Bey: *shocked* How?!
Nicki: *yells* What she said!
Mama: Onika!
Nicki: Ma'am?
Mama: Find yo' business and put ya nose in it!
Nicki: Yes, Mama.
Mama: Anyway, *smiles* remember your first heartbreak?
Bey: *confused* Yes. 8th grade, Tyler Bookham. Why?
Mama: No, no honey. Same year, two weeks prior, you came into the kitchen crying. Remember why?
Bey: *breaks eye contact* Mama, dat was soo long ago, I don't even...
Mama: You were crying because- look at me, baby- you were crying because TJ Lawrence asked Kelly to the school dance and she accepted.
Bey: That doesn't mean-
Mama: I overheard y'all arguing about it. You didn't kiss her for practice, did you?
Bey: *mumbles* No.
Mama: But that's what it was for her, right?
Bey: *wipes stray tear* Yes.
Mama: Like I said, I knew. But that doesn't make me love you any less. I'm always gon' be behind you. Unless you were into beastiality, because I draw the line there.
Bey: *laughs* I love you, Mama.
Mama: I love you too, baby. Gimme a hug. And we gon' need you to get back to us with your decision some time today, ok?
Bey: *hugs her* Yes, ma'am.
Mama: Alright, Ima head out now. *walks towards door* Bye, Soso!
Sol: Bye, Mama!
Nicki: Bye, Mama!
Mama: Hush!
Nicki: *mumbles, frowning* Damn.

I walked into the kitchen laughing with Solange. Nicki mugged us until her phone rang and she scampered out.

Sol: I wonder who that is?
Bey: Meek, most likely.
Sol: Why she with him, again? That girl is Rosie O'Donnell gay.
Bey: *shrugs* Same reason I was with Jay, I guess.
Sol: Welp, I made some spaghetti. Let it cool for a few minutes. I'm gonna run to the store real quick. Need anything?
Bey: Naw, thanks.

She nodded, and grabbed her purse. I sat there for a few minutes, until I heard her open the front door.

Sol: *loudly* Oh, heeey Robyn! Bey's around here somewhere! I'm about to head out really quick, ok?!

Can this day be over yet? I got up to meet her at the door. When she saw me, she opened her mouth (to yell, probably) but I turned around and ran upstairs with her hot on my trail.

Rih: Beyoncé!

I ignored her until we made it safely into my room.

Rih: What da 'ell, Bey?! What's dis shit I'm seein' all ova da internet?! And on top ah dat, you 'ave da fuckin' nerve to ignore my calls all damn day?! And who da fuck is dis bitch?!

She flashed a picture of Stella in my face. It was clearly from her Instagram. I rolled my eyes.

Bey: Well that didn't take long. I'm guessing you already know who she is, considering you already found her Instagram.

She opened her mouth again and I quickly cut her off.

Bey: Robyn, we're on a break. Which means what I do, or who I do, is none of your concern. And I'm only tellin' you this because I feel like it wouldn't hurt to tell you, but I'm gonna come out. With Stella as my girlfriend...
Rih: What?! Only one day 'fore I got out an' you wah soo pressed fah pussy, you hop on da first bitch you see?!
Bey: Really?!
Rih: Yep! And Jana Cova can rejoice, 'cause she finally got an heir to di throne!
Bey: I don't even know who that is! But lookit the pot callin' da kettle black! How many bodies you got under yo' belt since you first stepped foot on U.S. soil?! And please Smokey, you barely got air in yo lungs! Sing me somethin'! Betcha can't!
Rih: Everybody is allowed to 'ave dey off days, yo. And stop deflectin'!
Bey: Off days? Off days?! At this point, you have an off life!

Robyn closed her eyes, breathing deeply. I saw her lips moving, probably counting down from twenty. I was about to storm off, but then she reopened her eyes.

Rih: Ok... Ok. You wanna be single? You want me to go? You got it, Ima go! You won, ok? Congratulations, I'm done.

I was still riled up and a little more than irritated that she wasn't trying to fight back. She headed for the door.

Bey: Thank you! Since we're congratulating each other, I wanted to say congrats on your 9th Grammy.
Rih: *confused* You know I don't 'ave-
Bey: I know. I said I wanted to say that. Anyway. You were leaving? *turns away*
Nicki: Dat's fucked up.

I jumped and turned back around to see Nicki standing in the doorway next to Robyn.

Bey: How long did it take you to swim from the island of Gulla Gulla...to get to my conversation, Binya Binya?
Nicki: *mumbles* I was just sayin'...
Rih: *tearing up* I don't know why ya doin' dis. But I guess I would be mad too if my new girlfrien' wah shaped like a parallelogram!
Bey: I thought your eyes were lookin' a little greener than usual. I don't even know why I'm explainin' shit to you, because we ain't together!

She nodded and flipped me off. Throwing on her shades, she stormed down the stairs.

Rih: *yelling from downstairs* You gonna regret dis! Watch dis shit!
Bey: Fuck you!
Rih: Hell no! Dat's what Stella's bony ass is for!
Bey: Thought you didn't know who she was?!

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