Whatcha Say?

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Nicki POV

So. Here we are at Robyn's surprise-proposal party, and she brought every-fucking-body. Mama Tina and the Knowles clan, Mama Monica and the Fenty clan, and all of our friends from both sides. There were alot of big wigs too. I could've sworn I saw Sidney Toledano here! About 80 people in this party hall, and if you combined everyone's networth... Jesus.

Anyway, I'm kind of bummed that Cyn couldn't make it tonight. I'd have liked to show her off to my friends. She's never officially met them so I bet they're starting to think she's a hologram now. She promised to make it up to me though, and I can't wait. That's my Papi. I still didn't invite Meek, because he would've wanted to bring Jay and that shit is out. 'Ye, Kim and Nori are here though.

Right now, Rob, Bey and I were standing off to the side observing the guests and gossiping. Well, Bey and I were. Robyn's been glued to her phone most of the time. I saw Bey frown out of the corner of my eye and I quickly looked around to find something to distract her with. A second later I found the perfect target.

Nicki: -speaking of beef, *giggles* here comes the cow. Ooooh! And she brought a friend!

Robyn looked up from her phone, confused and anxious.

Rih: Cow? Weren't y'all jus' talkin 'bout Wendy Williams? Is she 'ere? *looks around* I swear Baby, I didn't invite 'er.

Robyn needs to chill. We told Bey that this was some charity function someone was throwing and we'd been invited. It happens all the time, so she went with it. I understand how nervous Rob might be right now, but Bey will get suspicious if she doesn't tone it down. I shot her a look behind Bey's back and she nodded, taking a deep breath.

Nicki: Yes, were were. And no, she isn't here. I know other cows, you know.
Bey: I'd prefer to call Wendy "Angus", though.
Nicki: Angus?
Bey: Yeah. Angus, as in beef; beef, as in cow; cow, as in heifer.
Nicki: *smiles* I love you.
Bey: I know.

I turned away just as Karrueche and Co. approached us. I swear girls like this get on my damn nerves. They're like insects in your home- never ever invited, and super hard to completely get rid of.

Nicki: Hello, hi, how are ya? *shakes Karrueche's hand* I know we've never met, but I know you and I'm certain you know who I am. *turns to Karrueche's friend* But you... I don't know you.
Girl: Hi, I'm-

I frowned and turned back to Karrueche, fake smile still in place. I heard the Unknown huff behind me.

Nicki: What are you doing here?
Karrueche: Oh, well I was-
Nicki: Lemme guess. Judging by those chopsticks in your hair - which I am 75% positive were carved from the ancient, naked bones of your great-great grandfather Ni Jao Wen, the great samurai warrior- I'm guessing you and...*points to Karrueche's friend*
Girl: Jackie.

I stared.

Nicki: *squints* Seriously? Ok, wow... You and Ms. Chan here were on your way to some rice noodle eating competition where the prize was yet another Buddha sculpture to complete the set that every single one of you Asians seem to have somewhere in your homes. *takes a breath* But, you got lost and stumbled upon this building and thought, 'Hey, while we're here we might as well mingle with the free-willed Americans and attempt to bestow our Communist ways upon them.' And you would've gotten away with it too, if it weren't for me. Now-
Rih: Nick...
Nicki: *waves her off* I got this. Kitsune, I'm going to have to ask you and your large friend, Kung Fu Panda-
Bey: Oh my God.

She tugged my arm a bit, but I gently shrugged her off, continuing.

Nicki: -to vacate the premises. Now smile sweetly incase anyone's looking- or would you prefer to bow? ...Whatever, just make sure you get the Hell out.
Rih: *glances around, whispering* Nicki, what da Hell are you doin'?!
Nicki: *confused* What?
Bey: Kaykay, I am soo sorry about all this. Onika's a bit of a lightweight, clearly. Excuse us?

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