New Beginnings

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After we landed, it took me nearly thirty minutes to convince Onika to go home because she was worried about how Jay would react to my decision to file for divorce. She finally left after I promised to call her in an hour.

Nicki: If you don't call me in an hour, Ima call you. You got three chances to answer, after dat I'm callin' da Feds, you hear?
Bey: *hugs her tightly* Bitch, you so damn dramatic. Ima call you. Relax.
Nicki: *pecks her lips* Ok. I love you.
Bey: Love you too.

About forty-five minutes later I pulled up to the house. I motioned for Julius to follow me into the house with my bags. I found Jay in the living room watching ESPN, so I sat next to him.

Jay: *leans in for a kiss* Hey, B-
Bey: *scoots away* Julius, can you bring those up to my room for me please? And then wait for me outside.
Julius: Yes, ma'am.
Jay: Seriously Bey, what-
Bey: Shhhh! Wait.

I waited for Julius to come back down and stand outside, before turning to Jay.

Bey: Ima try to keep this short and sweet. *takes a breath* I want a divorce.

He opened his mouth to interrupt.

Bey: *puts finger to her lips* Hold on. Obviously the terms to the prenuptial agreement we both signed will stand. We both make enough to support Blue seperately, so no need for child support. Now dat I think about it, you can keep the house. Honestly I do not care, but if anything, Ima wanna keep some furniture and there are about four vehicles outside that I refuse to let go of... Also, I'd like to know how you feel about the custody situation?

After I made all of those statements and followed them up with a question, this guy had the nerve to stand up glaring at me like I farted. It's been nearly a minute now so I'm confused. I kept eye contact while I spoke, made sure everything I said was clear and concise... Maybe I should've prepared a Powerpoint presentation? I cleared my throat.

Bey: Um. Hello?
Jay: *snarls* So it's like dat?
Bey: Thought I lost you somewhere for a minute...but yeah, it is like that. From what I heard, you know exactly why I'm doin' this. So, I figured we could handle this like logical adults.

He just stared at me again for a second before he whirled around and threw his phone across the room. Our-well, maybe his living room is big as Hell so I didn't see where it landed, but I heard glass shatter. Somewhere.

Bey: *mumbles* Or maybe not.
Bey: *standing, amused & annoyed* First of all, we are all God's children-
Jay: What da fuck does dat-
Bey: It means yes! Yes, I would. And I'm sorry that it had to be this way. I know at some point, you truly loved me and I, you. But over time, it faded and we both just got compacent in a love-less marriage. Well, I did before I cheated. And you just...I don't know. But-

Hold up. I got right up in his personal space because I heard when you get that age, you start to lose sense.

Bey: *laughs humorlessly* Nigga, she is in her late twenties now. And if I'm a pedophile, what the fuck dat make you? Ol' raggedy ass, TV Land nigga!
Jay: BITCH, I-
Bey: Shawn I swear on evathang I hold dear, if you don't take all dat FUCKIN' BASS OUTCHO' THOAT!

He lifted his hands like he was about to do something, but then stopped midway.

Bey: You couldn't even begin to understand how badly I wish you would!

He really looked like he would, but then he made a face as if remembering something. Whatever it was, he looked scared for a moment and dropped his hands. Yeah, that's what I thought! it isn't, but whatever.

Bey: I think Ima just leave for tonight because you're all the way turnt. For the time being, Blue is gon' stay with me at Sol's house and me and you only need speak through our lawyers unless it's about our daughter. You have a blessed night, Sean.

I didn't wait for his response, and practically ran upstairs to pack some clothes for me and Blue. My phone vibrated for like the tenth time and I suddenly remembered Nicki.

Bey: *holds phone between ear & shoulder* Hey! I'm so sorry I forgot, but I'm fine. Can I call you back?
Nicki: *pissed* No da Hell you can not! I have been callin' you for a half hour, BB! I was seriously 'bout to head ova there wit' my niggas! The fuck happened?!
Bey: Nothing, really. I told him I wanted a divorce, he had a tantrum-
Nicki: Tell me it didn't get physical!
Bey: Well...he physically threw his phone across the room. But that's it. It was almost like he was scared to touch me.
Nicki: He betta! Whatchu doin' anyway?
Bey: Packin' up some clothes for me and Blublu. I guess Ima stay wit' Sol until I find a new place.
Nicki: Speakin' of, where is my baby?
Bey: At Sol's right now, why?
Nicki: Ok, have Julius bring you here tonight and we'll both go to Sol's tomorrow.
Bey: Onika...
Nicki: We ain't debatin'. I know you won't say it, but you know you need yo' cuddle monsta and I'm here. Just let me do my job. Ok?
Bey: *whispers* Kay.


I woke up and the first thing I noticed were the arms wrapped around my midriff from behind. Strong arms. Manly arms. And just like that, yesterday night came flooding back to the forefront of my mind. She left me.

I tried to remove Rorrey's arms from around me without waking him, but was unsuccessful. He woke up and sat up against the headboard.

Rorrey: Hey.

I wasn't in the mood to talk so I got up off the bed without responding, and walked into the bathroom.

When I walked back into my room, he wasn't in there anymore. This angered me. I didn't want him there when he was, but him leaving pissed me off too.

I ran over to my door and locked it, then proceeded to search for what was left of my stash. I literally tore my room apart, and still nothing. Mel, Rajad and Rorrey were calling my name over and over from the other side of my door. It sounded like they were trying to break it down, but still I ignored them.

And then I realized that I hadn't misplaced anything. One of them (most likely Rorrey) must have raided my room. Now I was just throwing shit for no reason. I'd broken my tv, mirror, and nearly everything on legs by the time they'd removed my doorknob. By then I was just sitting on the floor with my chin against my knees, vibrating with what little adrenaline I had left.

Mel sat on the floor infront of me, gently picking up my left hand and pressing her lips against it repeatedly.

Mel: *voice soft* You're bleedin'. Did you notice?

I just stared straight ahead, trying to keep the tears at bay and my hands from shaking. Raj came and sat beside me without looking at me.

Rorrey: I 'ad Melly call Madeline an' she on har way down 'ere now. We gonna get you 'elp. Ok?

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