Worth It

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With the help of our guards and the owner and his guards, we snuck in through the back door and situated ourselves as comfortably as we could in the V.I.P. section. You could tell they'd just blocked off the cleanest corner on the top floor of the club twenty minutes before we walked in the door and I'm pretty sure these "security guards" are just large relatives of the owner, doing him a favor.

But I liked it because it was so dark that my chances of being recognized were slim, at least for a little while. I can't speak for Katy's pasty ass. After the bottles we requested arrived, we popped them immediately and had fun dancing with each other before I decided I wanted to be in the thick of the party. I left Katy in our section and made my way down to the floor closest to the speakers, almost breaking my neck slipping on a spilled drink.

I was having fun dancing on my own until I heard my nickname being shouted over the music, then an arm wrapped around my waist. I whirled around to see who it was. I waived security off and gave her a big hug. We had to practically scream in each other's ears to be heard over the music.

Rih: 'Ow'd you recognize me?!
Keri: Child, please! I'd recognize dat body anywhere! Plus ya lowkey surrounded by security and ya wearing da shirt I picked out!
Rih: Oh! Well, what you dween yah?!
Keri: Me?? I come here all the time, girl! I didn't even know dis place was on yo' radar!
Rih: *laughs* It wasn't! Katy found it.
Keri: *looks around* Yeah, this place lowkey be lit but tonight it's not nearly as hype as it could be!
Rih: *smirks* I can fix dat.
Keri: *leans in* What?!
Rih: I SAID- neva mind! Be right back!

Security accompanied me to the DJ booth and I tapped his shoulder to get his attention.

Rih: Cut d'music!

He cut the music cut off completely. I saw people looking around until the spotlight focused on the booth and the crowd erupted when everyone realized who I was. I grabbed a mic and turned it on, then folded my arms across my chest with a mug on my face.

I stood there for a few seconds and the crowd got even louder, if that's possible. I'd seen my fianceé do this once or twice.

Rih: 'Ol up, 'Ol up, 'OLD D'FUCK UP! My NIGGAS! I jus' got ONE question... Why da FUCK y'all ain't dancin'?! Y'all get dressed all fly to come 'old up d'wall?!

Some men shouted "No!" and "Hell nah!" at me, while the rest of the crowd laughed or wolf whistled because I'm Rihanna.

Rih: Dat's what da fuck I thought! Cut da shit, grab a BITCH and let's turn d'fuck UP!

One of the bartenders handed me a shot of Patrón and I threw it back, motioning for the DJ to turn the music back on.

Rih: DJ, spin dat shit and cut it ALL D'WAY UP OR YA FUCKIN' FIRED!

I turned the mic off and carelessly tossed it somewhere in the booth before descending the stairs with security shielding me from the packed crowd. Grabbing Keri's hand, I led her back to our section. I sat on the couch and she made herself comfortable on my lap, due to the limited space we had left.

It seems that in my absence, Katy took the liberty of inviting a few randoms in. All big breasted females with pretty faces, all over her. Smiling and giggling in her face. Ambitious college girls, thinking they might sleep their way into mine or Katy's money. In my periphral I could see them occasionally try to gaze into my highly disinterested eyes every so often.

Keri: *leans in* Check bottle blonde ova there. I need to find her eyebrow lady like forreal, forreal!

I glanced in that direction and laughed.

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