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"...nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned."


Rita: I can't believe he's already this attached to you and it's only been a few days!

I kissed Rohan's forehead, proud that it took me little-to-no effort to get him to take his nap. I'd been staying here in one of Rita's guest rooms all week and every free moment I had, I'd spent with him.

I'm headed back to NY today and I really don't want to leave him. Rita says they will be on a jet as soon as she leaves his doctor's appointment the day after tomorrow. I already love him so much and I can't wait until he meets Princess.

Rih: *smirks* He know who daddy is.
Rita: *laughs* He does, actually. Dudley pops 'round from time to time.
Rih: What? What is "time to time"?
Rita: Erm, maybe once every few months. I was joking though. Raji doesn't know him as anything other than Mama's friend, as our incredibly detailed contract stipulates.
Rih: *nods* Dudley still wanna fuck me up?
Rita: Probably. You know him, he can hold a grudge.

I shrugged. Honestly, I didn't blame him. Rita came over and grabbed my sleeping son from my arms and lay him gently on the opposite couch. I looked up when she straddled my lap.

Rita: Hey...don't worry yourself about him. If he comes back 'round while you're here, I can handle him.
Rih: *smirks* Oh really? You don't tink I could do dat myself?
Rita: Wellll.. You could. But I have more important things for you to handle...

She placed a light, quick kiss on my lips, before moving to my earlobe and nibbling on it. My panties were soaked almost immediately. I pulled my head away.

Rih: So, um, about dat...
Rita: *leans back* Let me guess, you already have someone and you'd prefer I kept my hands to myself because I'm really not that easy to resist?

I stared at her for a minute.

Rita: 'Ello there? Sound about right?
Rih: Who said I-
Rita: Oh, please. You've been dodging my advances all week. I know I may be a bit dim, but honestly! Give me some credit.

She hopped off of my lap, to both my relief and my disappointment, and sat next to me.

Rih: *pouts* But I had a whole speech prepared.
Rita: *giggles* Right. Well let's hear it then, yeah.
Rih: No.
Rita: Come on, Babe. I seriously want to hear it now. Go on, then!

I sighed and looked into her beautiful eyes. And then I sort of forgot what I was supposed to be saying, so I turned away and spoke to the couch behind her.

Rih: I was jus' gonna say sometin' like what you said, except I'm actually engaged to dis person...
Rita: Engaged? Oh wow, congratulations! ...Hey... Can you look at me for a sec? *giggles*
Rih: Can you be less attractive for a sec?

She keeps laughing but I'm very serious. I finally made eye contact and she held my cheek in her hand.

Rita: Look, I get it. I mean, I had your baby...and you actually like me as a person. So of course I probably quite literally look like an angel dipped in sex appeal, to you right now. The attraction is as mental as it is physical. No worries though, I know my place and I'm perfectly content with just being the "baby mama".

I think I have found the world's best baby's mother. No debate.

Rih: Yeah... Um, thanks. *clears throat* Aye, listen. I'm goin' to Barbados in like a week, an' I wanted to know if I could bring Jr. I figured I'd jus' tell my family dat way...If he's in my arms d'whole time, no one can hit me.
Rita: Of course, but... you do understand that there is no way in Hell that I am going, right?
Rih: *sighs* I figured you'd say dat. Mama's gonna force you to come next time, though. If you don't, she'll jus' fly out to you.
Rita: I know.

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