The Morning After

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The next morning I woke up in my bed. Naked and alone with a very full bladder and a dull ache between my thighs. Beyonce is definitely not all talk. Maybe I should make her jealous more often. I think I passed out at some point last night...or this morning. Whatever. I quickly stood up and nearly collapsed on my wobbly legs, before running into the en suite to relieve myself.

Shit. Even peeing hurt. What time is it anyway? She didn't get here til about three and I know I saw the sky lighten a little while she was pounding into me on the dresser...or was it the couch? Gotta be around noon. Neither of us require much sleep.

After finishing up, I headed off in search of her, grabbing a long t-shirt from the ottoman infront of my bed and my cell along the way. Once I reached the first floor landing, I could hear her. I followed the beautiful sound of her singing "Jealous" from her last album. How ironic. I found her in the kitchen putting the last bit of eggs on a plate. She was dressed similar to me; in the t-shirt she wore to my house and red panties that I could just make out peeking under the hem of her shirt. Fuckin' dope, man.

When I was done admiring her ass, I decided to make my presence known.

Rih: And Papi cooks too? I hit the jackpot.

She turned around and gave me that conceited smirk that was oh-so annoyingly sexy and winked.

Bey: One of my many talents. I know you're hip.

I blushed. I don't know why. No one makes me blush but her. Ugh. I rolled my eyes playfully, grabbed a plate from her hands and sat at a bar stool to dig in. I moaned.

Rih: Oh god. So good.

Bey: Who's hittin' it right?

Rih: Ya so stupid!

Bey: No, I'm Papi. Thought we established that.

Rih: Only when we fuck or ya makin' me food. Any other time, you're Stupid. Why you only got toast?

Bey: I'm vegan, baby. Remember?

Rih: Shit. Gotta restock di fridge den.

Bey: Lemme be in charge of that. All you eat is junk.

Rih: 'ow domestic of you, Papi. *leans in for a kiss*

Bey: *leans away*

Rih: *pouts* Why?!

Bey: Not wit all them baby chickens and Wilburs all over your lips. You trippin'.

Rih: After I brush my teeth, da mouf is mine.

She just smiled and ate her toast. A few minutes later we heard her phone buzz from near the kitchen sink. I watched her face drop and she glanced at me out of the corner of her eye before shooting up to answer it.


Bey: Hey, Babe.

In my peripheral vision I saw Robyn scowl in annoyance and pull her phone from her lap and start texting.

(phone convo start)

Jay: Hey, Baby. Whatchu doin'? Me and Blue missed you this morning.

Bey: Awww baby, I just got finished eating. I stopped by Eva's homegirl's house. I'll be there in a little bit.

Jay: Ok. Ay, don't take too long.

Bey: I won't, babe. Love you.

Jay: Love you too!

(phone convo end)

I hung up and turned around to see Robyn staring at me.

Bey: What?

Rih: 'Eva's homegirl's house'?

Bey: You know I can't- Don't start wit me, ight?

She laughed and hopped off the bar, heading towards the stairs. Her phone flashed with an incoming call.

Bey: Who's that?

She glanced at the screen and then locked her phone, ignoring the call.

Rih: Fuckin' Meg. I told her not to bother me for three days. Clearly she can't do dat.

Madeline, or as Robyn liked to call her, Meg, was Robyn's PA. Sweet woman, easy on the eyes too. Robyn can't stand her and complains about her all the time. I think it's because that one time she caught me staring at her ass. But really though, everyone does when they first meet her. In my opinion, Meg is the best PA Robyn's ever had and she knows it, which is why she hasn't fired her yet.

Bey: You should answer that. Could be important.

Rih: Later.

When she disappeared upstairs, I rinsed the plates and put them in the dishwasher and washed the frying pan. Upon entering the room, the smell of bud hit me. Of course.

Bey: What you doin'?

Rih: Rollin' up, obviously.

She bit her lip in concentration, pinching the ends tight. After licking the blunt closed, she lit it up and took a deep pull, blowing the smoke out slowly, sucking it back in and then blowing it out through her nose. I had to admit, it was kind of cool.

I leaned against the doorframe watching her in silence for a few minutes. She was laid out on the bed, her head propped up on the pillows looking so relaxed. I ran my eyes over her frame, head to toe. She really is one of, if not the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Her caramel skin practically glowed in the sunlight. The way the light caught her eyes, they looked sea green. I peeped the hickies I left along her collar bone, her hair all over the place, those swollen lips wrapped around the blunt one last time before she put it out.

Rih: Babyyyyyy!


I am high as shit. I know she knows what that means. I saw the way she was lookin' at me anyway. She huffs and rolled her eyes.

Bey: Oh, now I'm 'Baby'.

I sat up. Come on, man. Let it go.

Rih: I tol' you not to call meee dat. *gestures to self dramatically*

Bey: Whatever, Robyn. What you want?

Rih: Right now? *bites lip* You. Pon mi feh.

She shivered. She tried to play it off but I saw her. I have a heavy accent on a regular day, but when I'm under the influence of something, it's in full effect. Apparently it turns her on. Gotta file that away for later. Right now, I need her to get over here. She hesitated, conflicted.

Bey: I don't have time. I gotta get home, and then I have a meeting in a few hours.

Rih: You mek up di fren', you mek up di address. Don' worry na'n. So c'mereee. *spreads legs slowly*

Bey: I-

Speechless. Haha. Now to bring it home.

Rih: Waan tell yuh 'ow dis ting go on. *sits back against headboard, removes shirt* Eidda you come mek mi suck ya off, or ya cut off fi 'ole month.

Bey: That is not even fair!

Rih: Choose.

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