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About ten minutes after I hung up on Angie, my mama started blowing me up. I ignored the first two calls because I was busy but when I finished, I answered only to hear three extra female voices chittering.

Bey: How y'all all on my line right now?
Chelle: Me and Angie called Kelly, and then Kelly called Mama, who called you.
Bey: Well...good, that means I only gotta say this once: I'm fine. I promise I'm not gon' do nothin' crazy. Y'all just make sure you keep Solo away.
Kellz: I know 'dat's right.
Mama: You sure you don't want me to--
Bey: Mama I am positive. I'm just... I'm just tired right now. So Ima go lay down for a lil'.
Kellz: Ok, BB. You betta not hesitate to call one or all of us if you need anything at all. You really do not need to be stressing.
Angie: Seriously Bey, call us if you need anything.
Bey: I will.

I hung up and stood from the couch, facing Julius.

Bey: The car here?
Julius: Yes, ma'am.

I nodded and followed him out the door and into the waiting SUV. As soon as my door closed we sped off to the airstrip. Once there, I breezed through the airport and boarded the jet, waiting for take-off. Jay called and I answered with a groan, already knowing what he was going to say.

Bey: What, Jay?
Jay: Don't do it.
Bey: Do what?
Jay: Mama told me you were resting but I know yo' ass on a jet to Barbados as we speak.
Bey: *mumbles* I mean, we ain't taken off yet.
Jay: She fucked up, but you cannot do anything rash. Remember you pregnant.
Bey: Y'all still trippin' offa that time I grazed her. I'm not gon' shoot her. My kids there and I wouldn't do 'dat to them.
Jay: Promise.
Bey: *rolls eyes* I promise and you betta' not tell her I'm comin'. Let me do what I gotta do.
Jay: Ok, I won't.
Bey: Bye, Shawn.
Jay: Bye, Bey.


As soon as we touched down I headed straight for Mama Monica's house and called Melissa. She answered groggily like she'd been sleeping.

Mel: 'Alo?
Bey: You at Mama Fenty's?
Mel: Yeah, why?
Bey: Is Robyn with you?
Mel: She in 'er room, sleep I tink.

I didn't even think of the lateness of the hour.

Bey: Ok, come open the door.

I hung up and waited a few seconds with Julius until Mel came to the door and I sent Julius back to the car to wait for me. Melissa opened her mouth to say something to me and I held my hand up.

Bey: Just, don't, ok?

She nodded solemnly and moved out of my way. Closing the door behind me, I watched her walk off to wherever before I made my way up the stairs. I stopped and peaked in the kids' room to see them both sprawled across their respective beds, sleeping soundly. I allowed myself a small smile at the sight before continuing down the hall to Robyn's room.

The door was locked so I knocked. When she opened it She looked shocked to see me. Just seeing her stupid, beautiful face kissed me off all over again and I pushed past her into the room. She gently shut the door and walked over to me. By the look on her face, I knew that she knew that I knew.

Rih: Ba--

I punched her in the mouth and she dropped like a bad habit. I watched her struggle to stand, her eyes watery. She pressed her fingers to the cut on her lip and wiped the blood away.

Rih: Baby, I'm s--

I reeled back and punched her in the eye.

Bey: Don't gimme no fuckin' *punch* sorry!

I knew she was letting me do this and my knuckles were aching but those things didn't make it any less satisfying to see her in pain.

I kept hitting and slapping whatever body parts I could reach until I couldn't do it anymore and then the tears came full force. I slumped against the opposite wall and openly cried for a few minutes.

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