Oh Shit.

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9:15 A.M., Thursday Morning, PP Recovery Room.

Mel: *speaks calmly* Robyn, you still have a day left. You can't jus-

She sighed.

Mel: I don't know about the helicopta, but you buyin' me a new phone. I just got dat one.
Rih: *takes deep breath* Ok...ok. Just, please get me outta 'ere. Please.



11:10 P.M., Wednesday Night, Mystique Gentlemen's Club.

Coming here was the greatest idea ever! I love Onika soo much for this. Beautiful women all over the place and my girls and I got V.I.P. on lock. The DJ announced our presence and the crowd went crazy. Luckily, Nicki called ahead and they'd trippled security or we'd have had serious problems. Onika been ditched us to go hang by the DJ booth. Whatever.

11:50 P.M.

So far, so good, so lit. I'm having a blast and I haven't thought of Robyn or Jay at all. Kelly and Michelle took a couple shots with me, and ran off somewhere, leaving me in V.I.P. with two strippers, a stack of singles, three security guards, and a half bottle of Ciroc. I could still see Nicki from my vantage point, over near the DJ booth doing a little more than "chatting up" two girls. Leave it to her to be the one to grab two.

A little while ago, I had someone bring up this pretty red bone I'd noticed on the dance floor with her girls. We're vibing and shit and I think she mentioned a boyfriend...or was it a husband? Either way, she's coming with me tonight.

Girl: *laughs* Oh ight, Queen Bey!
Bey: *playfully slaps her arm* Nah, I swear I ain't nobody's "Queen". Shit, my room proly da same size as yours...no offense! *giggles*
Girl: None taken. But forgive me if I don't believe you.
Bey: Ight, watch. When you see it you gon' be all like, 'whaaaat?'
Girl: *leans back* Who said I was leavin' wit'chu?
Bey: *smirks* Well, ain't you?
Girl: *smirks back* Maybe...

1:30 A.M.

Flashing lights. Wait, are we still in the club? Nope, definitely outside because I'm on the ground. Well, on top of someone who is on the ground and we're kissing. Whoever she is, she has the softest lips ever. Like pillows. Who keeps flashing those damn lights? I hear wolf-whistles and garbled voices shouting. I can't make out what they're saying and I don't care because I'm busy kissing Pillow Lips. I feel someone hoist me up, and drop me into a car. I blink and all the girls' faces come into focus.

Kelly: Damnnnn, girl! Was y'all really 'bouta fuck on...on da grounddd?

When I didn't respond right away, she looked to my right and when I turned I saw the girl I was chatting up in V.I.P. She must be Pillow Lips. She looks different though. Let me ask.

Bey: Are...you Pillow... Lick...Pillow Licks?
Girl: *blinks slowly* Who?
Bey: I...I saaaaid...*thinks* Never mind, kiss me.

She shrugged and got on top of me as the whole limo errupted in cheers.

3:01 A.M.

I have no idea how long we've been going at it, but I know it's been a while. Our tongues battled for dominance, both of our lips still glazed in each other's juices. I tilted my head down in an attempt to watch our clits rub against each other, but I couldn't get my eyes to focus long enough before I felt my climax approaching again. I reached one of my hands down and gripped her side, grinding myself against her harder. Fuck, she felt too good. Pussy fatter than my ex-husband's bottom lip.

Bey: Uhhhh...Robyn...
Girl: *moans* Mmmm...huh?

I didn't even hear my own slip-up, and she was too bent to care either way.

10:14 A.M.

The incessant buzzing was starting to piss me off, so I reached my hand out from under the covers and blindly felt around my bedside table for my phone. Grabbing it, I pulled it under the covers and answered with my eyes closed.

Bey: Ugh! Speak.
????: Beyoncé Giselle Knowles if you don't get yo' narrow behind over to my house in the next three hours I will beat the black off yo' skin and yo' soul OUT yo' body. Do you understand what I am tellin' you?

I shot up and fell off the side of my bed in my haste to get dressed.

Bey: *sputtering* Ah! Uh, yes ma'am! But- Mama, what I do?!
Mama: Three hours. *hangs up*

I just stood there staring at my phone with my pants half on. The fuck just happened? I swiped my screen and saw I had roughly 40 missed calls and the same ammount of texts from nearly everyone in my Contacts List. Not to mention my Twitter and Intagram notifications. I took a deep breath, opened Safari and Googled my name.

At least 8 new links popped up from farely legit celebrity news sites. The earliest one was posted 4 hours ago. I quickly clicked on the link, my eyes only catching the word 'sapphic', before the web page opened. I gasped, and then looked up to see movement on my bed. Two heads popped out from under the covers. I face-palmed.

Bey: *groans* Please don't tell me...
Girl #1: *holds head* No! Hell naw! *looks down* Holy shit, I'm naked! *unsure* Please tell me nothin' happened!
Bey: Nigga, I do not know. But I don't think so. *rubs head* Shit! I really don't remember much of anything after...after the club. *looks at Girl #2*
Girl #2: Haha, don't worry. I'm not offended. Ima use ya bathroom, ight?

We watched her slip out of bed, wrapping a sheet around her and pick up her clothes nonchalantly and head into the bathroom. I'll admit, she is fine as Hell but now there are pictures all over the internet of us and people still think I'm happily married to Jay and not to mention I'm still kind of with Rob-

Bey: Oh my God, Robyn!! What am I gonna tell her?! She's gonna bury my corpse after Mama kills me!
Girl #1: Wait, MAMA saw the pics?!
Bey: *squeezes eyes shut* Onika, inside voices. Please.
Nicki: Am I in any of them?!
Bey: *lays down, pressing the side of her head against the cool wood* Yes, but nothing inappropriate. Not that I saw.
Nicki: *relieved* Ugh! Thank God! You need to go get ready. You know Mama Tina can and will beat yo' ass if you late.

I threw my body on the floor and stared at the ceiling. I was too dehydrated to cry.

Bey: I know. I'm just waitin' on her to get up out da bathroom.

Nicki: *glances at the door* Bey, I know this is a bad time and all because you proly 'bout to get yo' ass whooped and who knows what Rih's gon' say...but I just have to ask: Why her?!
Bey: Nigga, I don't fucking know! She wasn't even the girl I was talkin' to in V.I.P.!

At that moment, shorty walks into the room. I turned over carefully to look at her. She's fully dressed now, smiling awkwardly.

Girl #2: Talkin' 'bout me?

I opened my mouth to speak, then Sol barges into the room with her phone in her hand.

Sol: Beyoncé don't freak out but there are like a thousand pictures from last night ALL over the internet and my phone's been blowin' up all morning!
Bey: I-
Sol: I still can't believe you fucked Lauren fuckin' London!! You betta get- *notices Nicki and Lauren for the first time* Oh...hi. *Lauren waves* Wait, why is she naked? Nicki, why are you NAKED?! Oh God. Her too??
Bey: *groans* Guh! Why you yellin' like you wasn't there?!
Sol: Well, LezBey, *Bey rolls her eyes* I been up since 6am havin' an intense conversation wit' my toilet. I had no idea how I got to bed. Never mind who you brought home!

I sighed, repeatedly banging my already throbbing head against the floor as my phone continued to ring.

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