Sparring and Jump Programs

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They are standing in a very sparse Japanese-style dojo.

"This is a sparring program, similar to the programmed reality of the Matrix. It has the same basic rules. Rules like gravity. What you must learn is that these rules are no different than the rules of a computer system. Some of them can be bent. Others can be broken. Understand?"

Deku nods as All Might assumes a fighting stance.

"Then hit me, if you can."

Deku assumes a similar stance, cautiously circling until he gives a short cry and launches a furious attack. It is like a Jackie Chan movie at high speed, fists and feet striking from every angle as Deku presses his attack, but each and every blow is blocked by effortless speed.

Meanwhile in Reality, While our minds battle in the programmed reality, the two bodies appear quite serene, suspended in the drive chairs.

Mic monitors their Life Systems, noticing that I am wildly and chaotically lit up as opposed to the slow and steady rhythm of All Might.

Grape bursts into the room like Kramer, interrupting dinner.

"All Might is fighting Deku!"

All at once, everyone bolts for the door.

Meanwhile back in the sparring program, Deku's face is knotted, teeth clenched, as he hurls himself at All Might.

"Good. Adaptation. Improvisation. But your weakness isn't your technique."

All Might attacks him and it is like nothing we have seen.

His feet and fists are everywhere, taking Deku apart. For every blow Deku blocks, five more hit their marks until -- Deku falls. Panting, on his hands and knees, blood spits from his mouth, speckling the white floor of the dojo.

"How did I beat you?"

"You -- You're too fast."

"Do you think my being faster, stronger has anything to do with my muscles in this place?" Deku is frustrated, still unable to catch his breath. "Do you believe that's air you are breathing now?"

Deku stands, nodding slowly.


Their fists fly with pneumatic speed.

Back in Reality Everyone is gathered behind Mic, watching the fight, like watching a game of Mortal Kombat.

"Jesus H. Christ! He's fast! Look at his neural-kinetics! They're way above normal!"

Meanwhile All Might begins to press Deku, countering blows while slipping in several stinging slaps.

"Come on, Young Midoriya. What are you waiting for? You're faster than this. Don't think you are. Know you are."

Whack, All Might cracks Deku again. Neo's face twists with rage as the speed of the blows rises like a drum solo.

"Come on! Stop trying to hit me and hit me."

Wham. A single blow catches All Might on the side of the head, knocking off his glasses.

There are several gasps.

"I don't believe it!"

All Might rubs his face, then smiles.

"I know what you're trying to do --"

"I'm trying to free your mind, Young Midoriya, but all I can do is show you the door. You're the one that has to step through. Mic, load the jump program."

In Reality Fire_Ice and Creati exchange looks as Mic grabs for the disc.

All Might and Deku are again in the white space of the Construct. Beneath their feet, the jump program rushes up at them until they are standing on a rooftop in a city skyline.

"Let it all go, Young Midoriya. Fear. Doubt. Disbelief. Free your mind."

All Might spins, running hard at the edge of the rooftop and jumps. He sails through the air, his coat billowing out behind him like a cape as he lands on the rooftop across the street.


Deku looks down at the street twenty floors below, then at All Might an impossible fifty feet away.

"Deku you can clear your head." Neo told him.

"Ok. Free my mind. Right. No problem."

He takes a deep breath. And starts to run.

They are transfixed.

"What if he makes it?"

"No way. Not possible."

"No one's ever made their first jump." Mic said.

"I know, but what if he does?"

"He won't."

Uravity stares at the screen, her fists clenching as she whispers. "Come on."

Summoning every ounce of strength in his legs, Deku launches himself into the air in a single maniacal shriek! But comes up drastically short.

His eyes widen as he plummets. Stories fly by, the ground rushing up at him, but as he hits, the ground gives way, stretching like a trapeze net. He bounces and flips, slowly coming to a rest, flat on his back. He laughs, a bit unsure, wiping the windblown tears from his face. All Might exits the building and helps him to his feet.

"Do you know why you didn't make it?"

"Because... I didn't think I would?"

All Might smiles and nods.

Back in reality, They break up.

"What does it mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything."

"Everyone falls the first time, right, Uravity?" Lazer says.

But Uravity has already left.

My eyes open as Mic eases the plug out. I try to move and groan, cradling my ribs. While Mic helps All Might, I spit blood into my hand.

"I thought it wasn't real." I ask.

"Your mind makes it real."

I stare at the blood.

"If you are killed in the Matrix, do you die here?"

"The body cannot live without the mind."

Hours later, Uravity enters from the hall, carrying a tray of food.

"Deku, I saved you some dinner"

She sees me passed out on the bed. She sets the tray down and pulls the blanket over me. She pauses, her face close to mine, then inhales lightly, breathing in the scent of me before slowly pulling away.

Uravity steps out of my room to find Lazer watching her.

"I don't remember you ever bringing me dinner."

Uravity says nothing.

"There's something about him, isn't there?"

"Don't tell me you're a believer now?"

"I just keep wondering if All Might is so sure, why doesn't he take him to the Oracle? She would know."

"All Might will take him when he's ready."

She turns and he watches her walk away.

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