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Kenny let out a small muffled whine as he pricked his finger with the sewing needle he had taken from the sewing class from his high school.

He was fixing his hero costume that he had made himself back in elementary school. With some upgrades and always adjusting  to the clothes make sure it still fitted him.

Last time Kenny had put the suit on and checked around the city, he had fell out of a tree that caused the Cape to gain a tear in it. He had died from the fall but was quickly found back in his bed only a few hours later, restricted as some may say.

Eveyone who witness the fall only remembered it as Mysterion falling out the tree and nothing more. How people never remembered the deaths of Kenny annoyed him.

Even with taking the school equipment, He knew that on Monday there would be a large assembly about taking school equipment without permission. But as long as no one knew he was the one taking things, it didn't matter.

Besides, it's not like he was the only one who took things. Without a doubt, most people would take things. The only person who probably didn't take things was probably Token since he was rich.

Once the hole was fixed, Kenny smiled happily to himself and carefully folded it back up ro put back in his hiding place. Which was under the floor boards. The boy used to hide it in his drawer, but the more recognition he got, he began to think about a smarter hiding place.

He had been classed as a super hero by the public for a good few years.  Ever since fourth grade as Kenny remembered it and now he and eveyone from his elementary were halfway through thier freshman year.

And somehow in all this time, no one figured out any of these villans or heroes.

Of course, thank the heaven none if them truly had powers of sorts, but sometimes it felt like they did, like the planet and common sence changed to fit the strange towns sence.

The imagination of younge kids had really made the town a place were heroes needed to support the police forces from the villians.

No one was one hundred percent sure which side was really the 'bad side' but eveyone assumed that it was coon's side since that's the side that professor chaos had chosen and had always had plots to seek revenge against the small mountain town.

Kenny, Or Mysterion even, had been fighting against coon and professor since he was recognised by the public. Ans in all honesty, he often still thought of this as one big game.

After the time he had spent fighting the duo (and their team)  he was able get an idea on who coon was. But to him, professor chaos would take a bit more thought to figure out.

To be honest how none of them had been figured out by their real identify were was a shock to all. Expecially since some of the costumes weren't that secretive. Of course, those had been adapted to through the years so they wearnt as easy to guess.

The hiding of the identitys also made it to the news after almost all fights and attacks with these kids. Fan art ans comics were also made of them, surrounding their indentity.

Another suprise was that non of the kids had officially dropped our of being hero's or villans. Except for call girl. Through she would always drop it for a few weeks because of her on and off boyfriend.

It was because of that one and off relationship eveyone on her team figured out she was indeed Wendy Testaburger. How that suprised the team was a really like a blow to the back of the head.

Wendy was always so layed back and didn't seem to care about anything but her school life and her now officially ex boyfriend. So finding out a try hard was also a hero?  They had never been so suprised.

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