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Kenny walked the halls of his school like any other day, it was ready lunch thankfully but Kenny didn't tens to go to the canteen at lunch. He would just potter around the halls and sit around the back of school until lunch was over.

As the boy in the bright orange coat walked around, another boy noticed him ans went running to him with a smile.

When Kenny heard the quick footsteps he turned and saw butters being the one to run to him. "Well hey there ken!" Butters gave a bright smile and a big wave.

Blushing, Kenny also waves back, he smiled to, but his coat covers that charm up. "Sup"

"Well how are you?" Butteres asked, walking next to Kenny "personally I'm pretty annoyed I tell ya, I didn't get home until late so my parents grounded me again"

Kwnny hummed "I'm good, I'm suprised they still ground you"

"I know! But I was only late back before of my super secret double life" butters laughed, so did Kenny "I tell ya, It was all the other fault for dragging the meeting on"

"Could you not just have walked out?" Kennt suggested, he didn't really suspect anything of butters since he often talks about his new crazy ideas and confused situations.

"Indded I could'da but I'm the leader of the team you see" butters rambled on as they walked to wherever, Kenny giving him his fall attention "you see there's this one and he always thinks he's in charge when he's not! You see! It's me"

Kenny laughed at whatever butters was talking about, assuming the more innocent thing possible, Kenny just thought it was another weird club thing.

"Of course it's you!" Kenny grinned as they walked around the back of the school.

"Exactly!" Butteres nodded his head and decided to sit down by the wall of the school, leaning on it. Kenny smiled and sat next to him.

The two sat there in a comfortable silence, butters drawing random things in the snow. He hummed to himself happily, enjoying the time with Kenny. In silence or not.

".. do you want Mysterion to come to our school?"kenny then asked, wanting his crushes opinion before making his final decision.

"I mean, it sure does sound fun!" Butters said, acting innocent as possible.

Kenny nodded his head. If butters wanted to see the other half of his double life, Kenny knew his decision.

"What about you Ken?" Butters asked "do you want him to come to our school?"

"I wouldn't mind, he seems chill" kennt shrugged his shoulders, hoping not to give himself away.

"What about Professor Chaos! Would you ever want to meet him?" Butteres questioned.

"It would seem like alright" the other shrugged, placing his head on butters sholder.

"You alright Ken?" He asked, unsure what kwnny was doing.

"I'm a bit sleepy," kenny admitted "late night last night"

"Oh boy, same for me" butters shook his head "you can get some rest there if you want too!"

"If your tired you should also" Kenny suggest.

It wasn't long before the two blondes found themselves drifting asleep at the back of school.

The goth kids had walked asked them but pretended not to see anything.

"Dude, have you seen Kenny?" Kyle asked as him and Stan walked to their last lesson together.

"Um I haven't seen him since before lunch" Stan frowned, trying to figure out where their friend could have went.

Eric wasn't with them, they had got him to fuck off.

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