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It had been two weeks. In those fourteen days way too many things changed. So much had changed to make things uncomfortable for the town.

Mysterion was never seen again, most if the people of south park think he was killed by the hands of professor chaos. Yet there was no corpse was found.
It's not like Mysterion could actually die however, no one knew that information except for his team.

This rumoee upset everyone. Some people were scared to leave their homes and threw all the pressure onto the remaining hero's and police force.

Another rumour going around was that Mysterion was forced into hiding because something big is about to happen.

There were many different rumours and some people even claiming they saw Mysterion every now and then. But none ifnthem were ever true.

The disappearance of the town favourite hero affected everyone. The hero team seemed less energetic and seemed to have a complete new mind set about their jobs. They now have four hours to nine hours meetings  every day. They all would go around the town also, cheking suspicious activity or any jobs.

Stan seemed to have gone into a depressive state, kyle staying was was the only thing keeping him going. They hadn't left each it hers side. Kyle didn't really mind as much, he was on the villans side after all, but with how much it affect his best friend. He wasn't truly sure what to do.

The two also were stating at each othersevery night since stan had a tendency for getitng reallt drunk when upset over small or large things. Kyle was really worried.

So worried that when he was human kite, he wouldngo and look for Mysterion anywhere or would keep an eye on Stan... secretly.

Eveyone was worried for stan, he was pretty popular in his year, so everyone knew him and his drinking habits. So everyone gave him support. Even with everyone, he stayed next to Kyle, even going to the wrong classes to not leave him.

It wss only then Kyle realised how much of an impact Mysterion had on everyone's lives.

Butters seemed very put off though out school also, he knew for a fact he qsd the last person to see Mysterion and what his last words were. But he kept his mouth shut and exited any convocation that talked about the lost hero.

He also saw a change in Kenny. Which worried him.

Even though he was professor chaos outside of school, this wasn't the chaos he wanted. This was just a waste of time, everyone was just do depressed without the publicity of Mysterion.

Kenny had isolated himself from eveyone. Skipping almost all his lessons and not taking to any of his friends. Expecially butters.

He wasn't even mad at butters for being professor chaos all this time, he didn't care what someone did with their life. But he had hurt butters without realising so, so many times.

He was drowning in guilt and didn't want to face butters with the guilt Building more and more.

Kenny had seen the impact the town had without his hero life there for them, but he just couldn't care. He had but the costume without a second thought after finding out that butters was professor chaos.

He didn't tell anyone that information else people would go after butters. He couldn't have that

Kennys little sister also seemed more nervous also, she will be glued to kennys side all day when not at school. He did feel bad for no longer being someone who Karen felt protected by, but he just couldn't do it.

He didn't want to be a hero for Karen anymore, he just wanted to be her big brother. Nothing else.

Of course however, it was all raining cats and dogs for the epople of South park, there was one person happy over the missing of Mysterion. Eric cartman, the coon.

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