n⁰ 6

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It was Tuesday. Kenny wasn't in the best mood since he was having to do an assembly infrount of his own school as Mysterion.

He was stood at the front of the gym, the whole school watching him. He felt rsther stupid for doing this, he was just glad no one knew who he really was.

What suprised him was the face the school actually ask for him to come in. That's what suprised him, he was almost sure that the school would just get a member of staff to dress up as him.

Apparently not though.

Mysterion stood there for a few seconds, scanning out his friends. Stan, kyle and Eric all sitting next to each other. Yes, unfortunately Eric was back.

Wendy and token were also sitting next to each other, scanning the gym themselves.

However, Kenny couldn't see butters anywhere. Which slightly saddened him, he was sure butters would want to see Mysterion and not Skyve the assembly.

"Alright school" the head teacher said, getting the attention of the school as he talked down a microphone "like we had said last week, if the stealing of school equipment didn't stop, we would Mysterion to talk to you all, so here he is"

Holding back an eyeroll, Mysterion took the microphone and made sure to keep his voice raspy.

"So, I get that sometimes school equipment can be expensive for something that's gonna get lost" Mysterion began, but of course, someone had to shont.

"Ha! I bet you it's Kenny who robs everything since he's so poor!" Eric cartman laughed loudly, making Kyle scooch slightly away from him and closer to Stan.

"Cartman! That's two weeks detention for you!" The head teacher yelled, leaning over to the microphone in the hero's hands. A small curse was heard from the fat boy but no one said anything else.

"As expensive as it may be, it doenst matter who takes it" Mysterion sighed "the school brought it, and taking sma things like rubbers can lead into bad habits of taking things from stores"

Mysterion looked over at the head teacher, seeing that he wanted more to be said.

"SChool is ment to help you prepare for the work place, so having equipment on you that you brought yourselves would help bring those habits also" the hero added.

The students looked bored, and the head teacher had a snoovy look on his face.

"However, as a student to a school myself" he said, looking back at school "I belive your school equipment should be given to us, its not your choice to even come to school"

The students looked suprised in a happy way, while the teachers had a mix of pissed and supirsed expressions themselves.

"And also in my opinion, if you can't stop students from taking the equipment for themselves," Mysterion continued " then your punishments aren't good enough"

"I'll have you know that just because your a big shot doesn't mean you can challenge my
Rules at this school!" The principle yelled, getting defensive.

Mysterion sighed and pulled the microphone form his mouth "if thats the case then why did I have to come here? I have better things to do then do your job"

'Because the younger generations look up to you and listen to you!"

"So does the mayor of South park, you don't see me doing her job" Mysterion shrugged.

"Alright then! I'll take my job back! Thanks for nothing hero" the teacher hissed, snaching the microphone from Mysterion, who hummed an 'okay' ans began to walk out of the gym. He didn't really care.

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