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The next day, was school. Unfortunately.

Kenny sat in class, in terrible pain from not getting medicinal attention after what happned the day for.
But he hid the pain well.

However, he did notice that Eric wasn't in today. When in tutor, the teacher said that Eric was rushed into hospile late last night. Which couldn't have been coincidence.

The more that Kenny entertained the idea of Eric and Coon being one in the same person, the more it would make sence. He thought it would be a good idea to have his friends opinion on It.

Thankfully, he sat next to someone who kenny knew had an interest with the villan and hero stories. Stan.

"Stan" Kenny whispered, getting getting friends attention.


"This is kinda random but!" Kenny began "do you think Cartman could be Coon?"

Stan sat there for a second "the super villan?"


Stnan stopped and thought about it before his eyes widened and looked back at Kenny. "They do seem to have a lot in common"

"Yeah! And rhe Coon had a bad beating last night in the fire" Kenny nodded his head "and Eric was apparently rushed to hospital late last night"

"Holy shit! Your right!" Stan nearly yelled he was that shocked. The class looked back at him, confused. Stan just looked at them all before they all turned and looked away.

Kyle quickly crossed the room to see what Kenny and Stan were walking about though.

"What was that about?" Kyle asked, pulling an empty chair onto stans desk.

"We think that Eric might be coon" Stan said.

"Really? That's stupid" kyle laughed.

"Think about it, they are both brats, racist, fat and coon got rushed to hospital last night, as well as Eric" stna explained, showing the evidence.

Kyle just froze.

Stan and Kenny shared a look before looked back at the frozen Kyle.

Without another word, lyle put the chair back and walked back to his own desk in the other side of the classroom.

"I guess this job one of those things Kyle doesn't want to get involved with" Stan muttered, watching as Kyle just stared at his text book.

Kwnny giggled a bit and agreed.

"Talking about the hero's, " stna then said, having a small subject change " I over teachers saying that they are gonna try and get Mysterion in next week"

"Even with what happened last night?" Kenny hummed, supried that the school didn't seem to care about the injuries the hero had got last night. Clearly school supplies was mire important.

"I know right! I think they should get tookshed on instead or something" Stan grinned.

Kenny laughed quietly to himself, knowing that Stan was actually tookshed.

"I'd rather have Wonder tweek or tupperware" Kenny joked.

"What- I mean, they are cool but toolsheds cooler..." stan slightly pointed.

"I think call girl is the best" Wendy smiled, Turing around in her seat to face Kenny and Stan.

"You think that because you are a girl" Stan jokingly rolled his eyes, even thought the two had broke up, they still stayed friends.

Kenny laughed again, knowing that Wendy was indeed call girl. This is fun.

"What no its not! She's the master mind behind all the plans and making sure the team stay safe!" Wendy defended.

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