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Just as Kenny had thought, there was another assembly about taking the school equipment without permission. This assembly would happen a few times every term and was nothing new to anyone.

Yet, was anyone going to listen to the teachers about not taking things? Of course not.

It was rather ironic that the unmasked Mysterion could be classed as a theif. The thought made Kenny let out a small chuckled. Which was muffled from his coat once more.

Kyle glanced at him to see what was funny, but looked back ahead we realised Kenny was just being Kenny and laughing at the smallest of things.

"Now if this doesn't stop, m'kay," the teacher at the front said "we're gonna get Mysterion in to sort this problem out, m'kay?"

Kennys eyes widened and being to feel pissed. No was did he want to waste his time as Mysterion by being in school. That's not what Mysterion was to do.

Stans face lit up, he was on the hero's team, Mysterion was the only one who knew who Stan was. But if he was to come to thier school, Mysterion would talk to him as a friend, not an alibi.

Kenny noticed the small smile on Stan faces and let out a small sigh. Without a doubt, toolshed is going to ask about this at tonights meeting.

Then with Eric, an evil smirk was in his face. He was plotting and knew that if Mysterion came to their school, he would be weak with Eric would Have the upper hand.

Kenny had noticed and taken note on how Eric's mood quickly changed.

Butters sat there, a innocent smile still on his face. Yet really, he had the most evil plan ever. But for the plan to work, he would have to make sure Mysterion came into school.

And thankfully for him, they were having a meeting tonight so this plan could be addressed. And maybe, this might be the kead to their final battle.

After all, butters knew there would have to be some sort of drama fight to have the final fight to end all odds.

Once the assembly was over, eveyone piled out of the gym and made their way to their first lessons.

"How cool would that be for Mysterion to come to our school?" Kyle smiled to his friends, even though his double life consists him of being against the hero, he still thought it would be cool.

"It'd be pretty cool dude!" Stan laughed.

"Indeed, It would be rather interesting if Mysterion was to come here" Cartman nodded his head, his voice Turing to sound posh and professional once more.

Kyle spun on his heal and narrowed his eyes at the other "What are you planning?" The ginger kid spat.

"Why Kyle I do not understand what you mean" Eric shrugged, walking past his small group.

"No! Everytime you talk like that you plan something stupid!" Kyle almost yelled, but didn't.

"Yeah, to be honest dude you do" Stan agreed, letting out a cruse as he saw his classroom "I'll see you later guys" he waved and walked to his dreaded class.

"Cya dude!" The ginger kid smiled.

"Well whatever! I'm just glad that our hero Mysterion is coming to our school!" Eroc rolled his eyes.

"You don't even like Mysterion!!" Kyle huffed but walked away also going to his own class.

"Thats right, no one suspects a thing!" Cartman laughed lowly to himself, not realising Kenny was still there.

Kenny didn't say anything though, whatever Eric was planning was going to be stupid anyway. And also most likely going to fail.

Kenny woddled himself to his own lesson. Maths. Kenny didn't really care for maths has had been known for skipping the class many times. There was no reason why Kenny decided to go today, but he knew already that he was only going to end up drawing on the desk.

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