n⁰ 5 (filler chapter)

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It was Saturday, the day butters and Kenny decided to have their sleep over.

Butters invited himself into butters House, his mom and dad sitting on the sofa. They both looked over at him.

"Hey kenny!" His dad waved, to which Kenny returned "butters up satiars, you know where"

Kenny nodded his head and happily went upstairs. Then inviting himself into butters room, he found the smaller sitting on his bed and messing with a stuffed animal. When he looked over at and gave Kenny a large smile.

"Well hey there ken!" He smiled brightly and out his stiffed Teddy down. Though it was suprise others, it didn't suprise Kenny that butters still had teddies at their age.

"Heyyy" kenny sang and closed the door behind him "is that a new Teddy?"

"Yup! His name is glitter" butters said proudly as Kenny sat next to him.

"Cool!" Kenny smiled.

"So what do you wanna do, Ken?" Butters then asked. Kenny shrugged his sholders, not minding what they did.

Of course, kens dirty mind, he did think of a few dirty things but didn't say any of those ideas.

"Well then! Why don't we want a movie? Or plat a video game?" Butters suggested.

"I don't mind man, whatever you wanna do" kwnny smiled, bopping kennys nose.

Butters blushed, nodding his head as he moved to turn his TV on, loading up a game. Sitting next to Kenny happily, butters gave his friend the controller and pulled the blanket over the two of them.

They both blushed but focused on the game.

The two boys played a verity of different video games. By the the time it was about half twelve, the two got bored of playing games and decided to out a cartoon on. Kenny let butters pick what to watch.

They both sat and relaxed on the bed, watching whatever cartoon was picked.

"See Kenny! This is a great show!" Butteres said happily, laughing at a stupid joke. Kenny just smiled and agreed, butters smile and him also smile.

"When my dad found out that I liked watching this he was very suprised I tell ya" he then went on "he told me i s-shoudnt be watching this at my age, but you know what I told him Kenny?"

Kenny raised an eyebrow at the chattering boy, also putting his arm around butters.

"Well, Ken, I told him that it's my TV and I'll watch what I wanna darn watch on it!" Buttied declared, nodded his head "but boy, then I got grounded"

"I swear you can get grounded for breathing" Kenny sighed.

"Boy how I wouldn't be suprised" butters tutted and looked at the arm around his sholder "oh hey when did your arm get here?"

"When I came" Kenny giggled.

Butteres looked back at the other boy before blushing and looking back at the cartoon showing on the TV.

A few more hours passed, maybe not even that, before butters was found asleep ans snuggling up to the taller male.

Kenny didn't mind at all. It made him happy if anything. Not in a sick way, he just enjoyed every second spended time with the smaller one. Ans it wasn't often that the two touch (as far as they were aware) so this was like a Christmas treat to Kenny. Even if it was March.

Kenny combed his hands though butters hair and turned off the TV, not wanting to wake up his sleeping beauty.

Moving carefully, Kenny pulled the two under the covers and move butters off him incase he woke up ans felt uncomfortable with cuddling with Kenny. Yet, the Unconscious boy moved back to him and hugged him again.

Kennys blush grew but happily hugged him back.

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