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Kenny wondered the streets, his hands dug in his pockets. He had to, he did slightly miss being Mysterion since it helped cured his  Boredom when his friends were all busy.

It was almost midnight and Kenny was on the opposite side of town to what his scruffy house was on. He was bored and wanted something to do, yet as he walked around South park, there was nothing to do.

He looked up at the sky, thanks to the few street lights in the town, the stars were always something you could see clearly at night. Yet it would take a lot of brain power to count all of them.

He glaced to the other side of the street and saw another person who walked around, seeming lost. Kenny stopped and stared at him, it didn't take long for him to realise it was butters.

Kenny crossed the road and walked up to him, "Hey butters" he greeted, the shorter blonde looked up at him and smiled happily "ken!"

"What are you doing out this late?" Kenny asked, linking arms with butters and pretended he hadn't spent the last two weeks ignoring him.

"Ah well, I-I was just walking around" butters shrugged, blushing from the contact he missed haveing with Kenny.

Kenny nodded his head ad the two walked.

"Say Ken, I haven't don't anything have I?" Butters then asked "Y-you've been staying away form me lately."

The taller male sighed and glanced at butters face, seeing the scar on butters eye that he had caused him when Mysterion years ago.

The two stopped, butters looking confused. Kenny moved his gloved hand to butters scar and then left a gental kiss on the scar.
They both blushed, but butters face was bright red and couldn't find anything to say.


"Do you enjoy being professor chaos?" Kenny almost whisped, his hand placed under the others jaw.

Butters flinched from the question, confused on how Kenny found out, but didn't want to lie to kennys face.

"Well of course I do! But its been boring since Mysterions poofed away" butters smiled, leaning into kennys touch.

"Does he not hurt you?"

"He does! But it's still fun being the baddie for once" the smaller ones smile didn't go anywhere "having an arch enemy and being fear is a lot of fun! And when Mysterion comes back I'm gonna have a final battle with him!"

Kenny smiled, glad that's what butters thought of Mysterion and nothing else.

"So, your fine with him punching your face in?" Ken chuckled.

"Yup! Its as bad as what cartman had made me do!"

"Maybe you will get your final fight, butters" Kenny told him and the two began to walk again.

"Oh boy! I hope so!" He giggled, a small skip in his step.

Kenny smiled, the two then began to skip around the dark streets of South park, Kenny moving and decided to hold butters hand as they did.

From that small chat, Kenny knew that when he got home he was going to remake that super hero suit. Since he had burnt the original suit.

Kenny also decided that if butters was lying about what he just said, he wouldn't take it to heart. There was more people who needed Mysterion also. People like little Karen who hadn't went to school since the disappearance of Mysterion.

He had been selfish fir stopping.

Being the gentalmen he was, Kenny walked butters back to him house. The two stood at the stotchs door step.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow" Kenny said, holding both of the others hands.
Butters nodded happily, feeling like he got his friend back.


"Alright" Kenny  smiled, squeezing the smallers hands, not wanting to leave him just yet. Butters didn't want to him to go just yet either.

The two stood in the cold air or the infamous south park. Kenny just looked in the others eyes, the teal blue glittering.
They got lost in each others eyes, the world felt like it came to a stop.

Kennys hands slowly moved to butters wasit, moving slowly incase it made butters uncomfortable and told him to stop. But he wasn't told. Butters put his arms around kennys sholders.

The taller one could see where this scean could be going, he classed himself as a genius with relationships. While butters was moving in blind.

Kenny knew that butters has had the odd few kisses since elementary school, so unfortunately he wouldn't be the boys first kiss.
He moved one of his hands from butters waist and back to his jaw, pulling him closer.

None of them said a word, but Kenny pressed his lips softly against butters for a few seconds. A small chuckle came from butters as they pulled away

"Was that okay?" Kenny asked, not moving either of his hands. Butters hummed, flustered "can I kiss you again?"
Butters nodded.

The two clashed their lips together, this kiss lasting a bit longer and a few more kisses followed after.

They pulled away again, Kenny smiling happily and butters too flustered to even say any of his usual comments.

"I hope you get your fight with Mysterion again, professor chaos" Kenny said quietly, his mouth by the others ear.

Butters grinned happily "I will! I know he will be back"

"Yeah same" Kenny nodded his head, slowly letting go of his love interest "cya"

"Bye bye Ken!" Butteres waved good bye and walked into his house as Kenny walked back to his own house, feeling  accomplished.

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