Our Omega (OT6) Part 3

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Here's part 3 of Our Omega. I apologize for the wait on this update, I've been busy studying for finals so I might not be able to update as often. But I will still try my best to write as much as I can. Also I would like to mention that for this particular one shot series, when a male omega is in heat their symptoms and behaviors change. In a sense it's like they have a second hidden personality and for Sunghoon his personality will be more childish. Moving on, I hope you enjoy! 😁

The Next Day The six alphas woke up bright and early to get themselves ready for the day

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The Next Day
The six alphas woke up bright and early to get themselves ready for the day. Since it was around seven in the morning, they decided to let Sunghoon sleep in, after all he had a tiring day yesterday and he was gonna need all the energy he could get this week. Wanting to make their sleeping omega happy, the alphas prepared a special breakfast just for their mate.

Time skip *two hours later*
As the six alphas sat in the living room watching Avengers Infinity War, a little squeak noise caught their attention. Pausing the movie, they all turned their heads around only to see one of the most adorable while at the same time beautiful moments ever. Standing in the doorway, was Sunghoon but since he had just awoken his hair was a bit messy, his eyes were slightly open with a dazed look within them, and not to mention his robe was slightly loose causing the male's shoulder to be revealed.

"Alphas left Hoonie alone..." He said, his voice sounding just like a child's.

"Awe, don't cry pup. Alphas didn't leave you alone." Jake said as he immediately got up and brought the tired omega into his embrace. Sunghoon's head looked up as he turned toward's Jake, his eyes slightly watery since he was on the verge of tears.

"Then why did Hoonie wake up alone?" He asked. Suddenly Jay appeared and wrapped his arms around Sunghoon from behind.

"It's because alpha's didn't want to disturb your sleep. We all could tell how tired you were, Dolly." Jay said as he planted a small peck on the side of Sunghoon's head.

"Really? You promise y-you didn't want to l-leave Hoonie alone?" Sunghoon asked.

"We promise." Jay and Jake said at the same time. After that Jake picked up Sunghoon and carried him to the couch. Once the omega was seated comfortably, Sunno and Niki emerged from the kitchen with a plate full of food and a protein shake.

"We hope you like it, darling." Niki said as he handed Sunghoon the cup. Sunghoon's face lit up at the sight of the shake, his smile only widened as he took a sip from it.

"Mmm! Yummy! It tastes like vanilla." He said as he took another sip.

"Don't forget about the actual food now, sweetie." Sunno said as he uncapped the covered plate. Just then Sunghoon's eyes widened at the plate of food. On it were piping hot crepes filled with freshly picked strawberries.

"Do you want to eat it?" Jungwon asked with a teasing tone. Immediately Sunghoon nodded his head as he made grabby hands for the plate. Sunno let out a light laugh as he placed the plate in front of him.

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