Dreamscape Pt.2

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Here's pt.2 😊

3rd Person POV
As Solon's name became more well-known and his title continued rising, the competition became more difficult along with his routines. He started making more mistakes, causing the criticism to grow. Whenever he got injured, he'd have to act as though he was fine, even though he wasn't. To him, he didn't need to see the disappointment in his parent's eyes grow more than it already had. This was a poor decision on his part, leading to his upcoming disaster.
During one of his most complicated jumps, he messed up the landing due to his ankle not having the strength to support him. He fell harshly, and this led to him getting a concussion along with a torn ACL. Due to this, he was benched from performing for a long time. Not only did this cause his fans to become sad, but his coach and parents couldn't stop adding fuel to the fire. Whenever he was awake he couldn't catch a break. But when he was asleep, that's a different story.
In his dreams, he didn't have to worry about anything. He was able to mess around and have fun, while not having to feel the pain of his leg or throbbing from his head. He could smile all he wanted while spending time with those whom he saw as close friends even though he knew they weren't real. Whenever he was asleep, he could escape from his harsh reality to his dream paradise, his utopia.
However, after his recovery, he was immediately put to work. Not once was he given a break, as his coach believed he had a lot of catching up to do. If he wanted to join any competitions soon, he needed to make sure his jumps and turns were perfected. Thus, causing him to get less sleep and spacing out more.
At first, his mistakes were small, but the mistakes got bigger over time. He had to confess his dreams to his parents, who made him see a doctor for help. After hearing what Solon had described, the doctor prescribed him some pills that'd help him stay awake along with some that'd make it easier to sleep. However, the sleeping pills had a side effect that caused him to stop dreaming. Meaning, he'd see his friends less and less. At some point, they completely disappeared. Perhaps they were never real from the start.

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