Extra Part 5 of Our Omega

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The next morning when Sunghoon woke up, he was beyond confused. For starters he didn't remember going to sleep much less in Sunno's room, second he didn't remember ever changing into new clothes, third his body was snuggled in between Niki's and Sunno's, fourth Sunno's arm was wrapped around his waist from behind, fifth his head was underneath Niki's chin and resting against his chest, and finally his scent smelt different.

"What is going on..." Sunghoon thought to himself as he slowly began to entangle himself from Niki and Sunno's grasp. But when he tried to sit up and get out of bed, his body was met by a painful wave causing him to whimper in pain and fall back down.

The sound of both Sunghoon whimpering and falling caused the two alphas to immediately wake up and find out what's wrong.

"Hoonie what's wrong?" Sunno asked as he cupped the boy's face within his hands. Confused, Sunghoon opened his eyes and stared into Sunno's.

"Hoon...ie?" Sunghoon questioned quietly.

"Honey, is something wrong?" Niki asked from behind him as he suddenly wrapped an arm around Sunghoon's waist. Sunghoon physically shivered at the touch since he wasn't used to this much physical contact much less on his waist.

"Guys, I'm confused. What's with the weird nicknames? Also why are you referring to me as if I'm a baby?" Sunghoon questioned as he tried to remember what happened before he blanked out.

Immediately Sunno and Niki made eye contact with one another. The two could tell right away that Sunghoon's heat was most likely ending that day so the effects were disappearing.

"Hoonie hyung, what's the last thing you remember?" Sunno asked as he turned his gaze away from Niki's. Sunghoon's eyebrows knitted as his expression soon turned to a pout. Normally it wasn't that hard for him to remember things but this time he couldn't remember much from the time he first entered the Lee household.

"I...I don't know..." He confessed. Just then, Sunghoon felt someone petting his head from behind along with a hand wiping something wet from his face. It was then, Sunghoon realized he had been crying.

"It's okay, hyung. You don't need to force yourself to remember. Just relax. Everything will be explained over time. We promise you that nothing bad happened." Sunno spoke in a quiet tone.

The two alphas then spent the next couple of minutes trying to calm the anxious and stressed omega. Once they deemed him calm enough, they decided to take him downstairs where the others were most likely waiting.

Just as expected the moment the others saw Sunghoon and smelt his hormones they knew he was back to normal.

"We're gonna rest you on the couch first. Then the other hyungs and Jungwon can explain what occurred the past few days." Sunno spoke before he and Niki disappeared into the kitchen. Immediately Sunghoon's gaze turned towards the other four alphas, his arms crossed as he waited for an explanation.

"So? Care to start talking?" He asked. Just then Jay, Jake, and Jungwon all turned their gazes towards Heeseung who let out a sigh as he knew he was the one who was gonna have to explain their past deeds.

"So...the thing is." Heeseung began to explain.

After retelling the events of the past three days

"And that's basically it." Heeseung finished. The room was quiet as the alphas waited for the omega's response. For a good moment, they thought that Sunghoon would be angry at them, I mean he has every right to be. But they really hoped he wouldn't be too angry at them and if he was that he would forgive them.

"...Sunghoon?" Jake quietly asked. Just then all the alphas noticed the omega's red cheeks.

"I-I..." Sunghoon muttered, his mind still unable to comprehend all the information Heeseung told him.

"Hoonie hyung, we know what we did was wrong but please forgive us! We can't live without you!" So please don't hate us or be angry with us!" Jungwon suddenly pleaded. Immediately every turned to look at the youngest alpha in the room. Without a second thought Sunghoon gestured for Jungwon to come towards him, once he did, Sunghoon pulled him into a hug.

"Wonnie, I could never hate you or the others. You guys are the best things that ever happened to me. I would never trade that for the world." Sunghoon spoke with a smile on his face. The others smiled at his response. Just then Sunno and Niki returned into the room.

"So, we know this is really late but...we were wondering if you'd be our boyfriend?" Jay suddenly asked.

"We've all liked you for a long time and we've been trying to figure out a way to ask..." Jake began.

"So we thought after this hangout was over we'd try our shot." Sunno continued.

"Of course we didn't take into account the events of the past few days." Jungwon continued.

"But nonetheless, we still want to ask if you're okay with being ours? Of course if you agree we'll equally be yours." Niki finished. Nervously the six alphas all waited for the omega's response. So when they did receive they were beyond happy.

"Of course. I'll be your omega, so long as you all are my alphas." Sunghoon answered with a smile on his face. Right after that, the six alphas each placed a kiss somewhere on Sunghoon's face before the seven of them huddled together on the living room couch and decided to watch movies for the rest of the day.

Meanwhile with Authornim and Heeseung's Parents

Author: I see your plan worked out perfectly.

Heeseung's Mom: Of course, I know my son better than he knows himself.

Heeseung's Dad: Had it not been for this vacation we would have never been able to pull this plan off.

Author: Well, with the power of your's truly anything is possible.

Heeseung's Mom: That includes grandchildren, yes?

Author: Oh yes, don't worry about it. I assure you, you will have plenty in the future.

*Authornim and Heeseung's mother fist bump while Heeseung's father thinks of all the possible ways his wife will use this to her advantage*

Heeseung's Dad: I hope Heeseung has mercy on his mate later on in life

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