Dreamscape Pt.1

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So, I know I've been inactive for a while and I'm sorry. But here's a "short story" I wrote for one of my classes. I figured why not share it as an apology and to see what you guys think of it. Let me know what you think because your feedback is helpful. Also for fun, if you want to feel free to try and guess what the prompt for the story was. But anyways enjoy! 😉

Story Context: This story is based off the webtoon Freaking Romance, if you haven't read it you should. But anyways, this story takes place in a modern setting where parallel worlds are able to connect through small links or in some cases dreams and sometimes mini pocket dimensions depending on the location. (TBH I'm not sure how to explain it but if you've seen the webtoon you might get a better idea)

3rd Person POV (Solon's Side)
    For many, today had been a good day. For some they accomplished something, others they may have gotten a promotion, heck some might have even hit the lottery. However, that was not the case for some others.
    "All you had to do was complete your routine without any mistakes and you can't even do that! How can you even call yourself a performer when you can't do your job right?" His mother spoke as they all exited the car. Solon began to tune his parents out with each step towards their home.
At tonight's competition, he made a small mistake during his performance. While it wasn't anything too noticeable, it was still enough to dock him a few points, causing his performance rank to go down. Luckily, he managed to maintain first place amongst his fellow competitors, but it didn't mean he'd skip out on his parents' daily lecture.
"To think, we take so much time out of our day to make sure you get to practice on time. Not to mention all the effort we put into your outfits and paying your coach and yet you still make mistakes? How do you expect to get anywhere near Yuzuru Hanyu's level when you can barely manage to keep first place at the national level? You're lucky it was only your performance rank that was affected, otherwise, you would've dropped to second place." He heard his father say right as he unlocked the front door.
As soon as Solon entered, he made sure to place all his items in their rightful places before making his way toward his room. While he walked, he could hear his parents' voices down the hall. With each word he heard them speak, another cut was made on his heart. Although the words hurt to hear, it wasn't like he hadn't heard them say similar things before.
Once Solon entered his room, he immediately changed into more comfortable clothes before flopping face-first onto his bed. For a moment, he chose to stare at his ceiling. As he looked at the blank white space, he could feel his mind shutting down, eventually leading him to a peaceful sleep.
    When I opened my eyes, I found myself in an unknown room. I was surrounded by large mirrors, allowing me to see myself from various angles. This contrasted with the wall my back was leaning against. Next to me, I saw a couple of water bottles and snacks, some of which I recognized from Seven-Eleven. Nearby, I heard the faint sound of music followed by cheerful laughter. As I looked around, I failed to notice the six boys who were also inside the room. Each of them was joyfully fooling around, having the time of their lives. It was when I felt their gazes back on me that I realized they could see me as well.
    "Hey, sorry we didn't see you there, we tend to not pay attention to our surroundings sometimes. Anyways, my name's Jakah, what's your name?" A boy with tiny dimples asked as he walked toward me. It took me a few moments to process that he was speaking to me before I could reply.
    "...My name's Solon," I spoke in a quiet tone. I could see Jakah's smile widen from my response.
    "I see, well Solon it must not be very fun having to watch from the sidelines. So up you go." Jakah said before he suddenly brought me to my feet. I only got a couple of seconds before I got pushed into the center of their circle.
    "Since you're here, you must have some moves. Show us what you got!" I heard one of the other six say. I hesitated, I've never freestyled throughout my entire career. Whenever I did a routine, it was created for me. I don't have the slightest clue where to start let alone how to do it.
    "Dude, what're you overthinking about? This isn't the time to think, it's about having fun!" I heard one of them say. Attempting to push away all my inner thoughts, I soon found myself moving to the beat of the music. As I danced, I soon forgot all about my coach's criticism along with my parent's complaints. Right now, all I thought about was the moment, not having to worry about impressing anyone and meeting anyone else's expectations. For the first time in a long time, I was free. I was able to be a carefree teenager, not a nation-level ice skater. For a long time, this core memory was the sole reason I kept going even when things got rough.
So when I opened my eyes and saw myself back in my own room, I couldn't stop thinking about going back to sleep, hoping to see the others once more. Ever since that first night, whenever I close my eyes I find myself in various places with the linking factor being my friends. Wherever I awoke, my friends would be there waiting for me.
Meanwhile, when I'm not dreaming, I focus on other things such as school, pleasing my parents and coach, and most importantly perfecting my skating skills. Every day, I follow the same schedule waiting to finally relax once I'm asleep. Because I know, that the better I become, the less time I'll get to spend with them.

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