Your Highness (Heehoon Version) Backstory

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So, this wasn't requested or anything but I thought of this a while back and decided to write is cause why not. This is my first time writing a backstory so please let me know what you think of it. But moving on this oneshot it about how Heeseung became Sunghoon's bodyguard and butler. I hope you like it. 😊

Fourteen Years Ago"B-But Jay h-hyungie, you promised that y-you would play w-with me today

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Fourteen Years Ago
"B-But Jay h-hyungie, you promised that y-you would play w-with me today..." Sunghoon quietly spoke as he watched Jay's butler Jungwon fixing his suit top. Jay turned to look at Sunghoon, as he did a sad expression fixed itself on his face since today was supposed to be his day to spend time with Sunghoon. Once Jungwon finished tidying up Jay's suit, said male made his way towards Sunghoon. The moment they were close, Jay pulled Sunghoon into his chest, his arm wrapping around Sunghoon's waist as he placed one of his hands onto the top of Sunghoon's head.

"I know I promised to play with you today and I'm sorry I can't do that. You know I would never want to break our promises but father and mother said they needed me for something. We both know that I can't disobey them." Jay softly spoke as he gently used his fingers to play with Sunghoon's fluffy brown hair. Turning his head up, Sunghoon made eye contact with Jay. Although the two hardly spent time together, they were close with one another and have been close since Sunghoon was born. But since Jay was the oldest, he was the one to inherit the throne from their parents, meaning he had a lot of work to take care of despite his young age. Henceforth why Sunghoon was usually alone most of the time.

"As soon as I'm done taking care of my task, I'll come find you and we can cuddle together. How does that sound?" Jay asked as he knew Sunghoon loved whenever the two of them cuddled together. Sunghoon took a moment to think over Jay's offer. Once he finished a small smile formed on his lips.

"Okay." He quietly replied. For a little while the two stayed like that, that is until Jungwon let out a small cough.

"I hate to interrupt you, your highnesses but it's time." Jungwon spoke, his voice soft as he bowed his head.

"Of course. Just give me a moment, please." Jay replied. After that Jay pulled away from Sunghoon, as he did he placed a small kiss on Sunghoon's forehead.

"I'll see you later Hoonie." Jay spoke before leaving the latter's room. Sunghoon silently listened to the sound of Jay and Jungwon's footsteps fading down the hallway. When he no longer heard them he got off his bed and made his way toward's the castle's garden.

"No one will notice if I'm gone for a little while...They never seem to notice..." Sunghoon thought to himself as he opened the door leading outside. The moment Sunghoon stepped outside, he was hit by a soft warm breeze. The young prince felt himself smile as he made his way toward his favorite part of the garden. As he walked, the young prince didn't think of anyone or anything. But little did he know, a certain group of older princes had spotted him and decided to mess with him since Jay was no where in sight.

"The roses are finally in bloom again." Sunghoon happily thought to himself as he sat in the center of the rose garden. As he quietly admired all the different colors he suddenly heard footsteps behind him. Turning around, his eyes widened in horror as he watched the batch of white roses getting stomped on.

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