Your Highness (Heehoon Version)

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This was requested by @heehonie

Sunghoon had just finished doing all his royal duties for the day

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Sunghoon had just finished doing all his royal duties for the day. From signing documents, to practicing his archery skills, and finally getting his suit fixed and adjusted for the upcoming royal ball. To say he was exhausted was an understatement, he was feeling so drained and tired that he didn't even want to stay awake another second.

Opening the door to his bedroom, Sunghoon immediately closed the door and made his way towards his bed. With each step he took, the need to close his eyes increased. Finally arriving at the foot of his bed, Sunghoon quickly took off his shoes, removed his pants and jacket, leaving only his dress shirt on with only two of its buttons still on, before he flopped onto the comfy mattress. Taking a deep breath in, Sunghoon enjoyed the comforting silence of his room before he fell into a deep slumber.

Meanwhile with Heeseung, said male was making his way towards the prince's room to inform him of his parents' departure. Due to a miscommunication amongst neighboring kingdoms, his parents, the king and queen, had to leave and settle the problem before it grew worse. Henceforth why they had not been able to tell their youngest son themselves and because Jay was off attending to other matters, only Heeseung remained to relay the information.

As he got closer towards the prince's room, he couldn't help but feel a bit excited. After all, it had been a couple of days since he had last saw the prince, due to both of them having so much work, neither had time to see one another unless it was work related.

Finally arriving at the white colored door, Heeseung took a small breath in before he gently knocked on the door. 

"Your highness, may I come in?" He asked in a gentle tone. But when he received no reply, he decided to try again.

"Your highness?" He asked once more, only this time his voice was a bit louder. Still receiving no reply, Heeseung decided to enter the room. The moment he opened the door, he was relieved to see the young prince asleep on his bed. What he didn't expect though was to see him half dressed with his bare legs showing along with part of his chest area.

Feeling his cheeks heat up, Heeseung quickly turned his gaze away in order to regain his composure.

"Get a hold of yourself, Heeseung! Stop thinking such unholy things!" He thought to himself. After taking a brief moment to recompose, he finally made his way towards the sleeping boy. Gently moving some of Sunghoon's hair away from his eyes, he finally spoke up.

"Your highness, please wake up." He spoke as he lightly shook the boy. Feeling his body being shaken, Sunghoon's eyes eventually opened. Taking a moment to register the person beside him, Sunghoon slowly sat up.

"Heeseung hyung, what are you doing here?" He quietly asked, his voice a bit raspy due to him just waking up. Heeseung stood up as he relayed the information.

"The king and queen sent me to inform you that they will be gone for a few days to attend to an occurring problem regarding the other kingdoms." He spoke as he bowed his head slightly. It took Sunghoon a moment to process Heeseung's message, once he did he nodded his head.

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