Meeting him

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Dean: It's my night to tend the bar, and when I look up from mixing drinks I see a gorgeous man with dark hair and piercing green eyes. "What can I get for you?" I ask the handsome stranger. "A beer, please." He responds. I grab the beer and pop the top off. When I sit it down I notice he looks upset.

"Okay, so this is usually about the time that the bartender does the most cliché thing in the world and wipes down the bar with a rag and asks what's wrong." I pause to wipe down the bar then say, "So, what's eatin at yah?" I ask as a small smirk makes its way onto my face.

This actually makes him laugh and he takes a sip of his beer. "Well, Lauren," he says reading my name badge. "It's just been a tough night. Got into a bad fight with my brother..." I listen intently about his argument with his brother, Sam, as I now have learned is his brothers name.

"Well..." I say then pause because you don't know his name. "Dean. Dean Winchester." He finishes for me. "Well, Dean Winchester. Sounds like you and your brother are very close. But I bet you already knew that. Anyway, getting to the point. Go home, talk to Sam. I know this sounds girlie, but he needs to know and understand things from your perspective and vise versa." He smiles and utters a thanks. I wink at him and he just about leaves the bar, but turns around.

"Oh, I seemed to have lost my phone number, Lauren. Can I have yours?" I giggle at the lame pickup line and scribble my name and number on a napkin and hand it to him.

Sam: I'm running through the park like I do every morning when suddenly, I'm not paying attention, I get run into by someone much bigger then me. Suddenly I'm on the ground and I swear I heard something snap.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" He asks kneeling down to my level. "No, I think it's broken." I say biting my lip trying not to cry. The stranger gently probes my now bruised and swollen ankle. I flinch at the gentlest of touch. "Yup definitely broken. I'm so sorry. I'm Sam by the way." he says picking me up like I'm the lightest thing in the world. "Nice to meet you Sam. I'm Lauren."

Sam takes me to a hospital and stays with me while my ankle is reset and heavily bandaged before having a boot put on. He then drives me home and helps me inside. After Sam helps me get comfortable in my bed he goes to leave, but I grab his arm gently.

"Wait, before you go I wanted to say thank you... and here. Call anytime." I wink as I hand him my phone number. He blushes a light shade of pink and leaves.

Castiel: I'm standing on the edge of the cliff, just enjoying the view when and attractive man in a trench coat walks up beside me. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" He remarks after a few minutes of silence. "Yes, it truly is." I reply to the stranger. "I'm Castiel by the way. What might your name be, beautiful lady?" Castiel asks. He's pretty cute. Eh, what the heck.

"Lauren." I reply to him. "Lauren, hmm, a beautiful name for a beautiful woman." This makes you blush slightly. "Well, I must depart now. Might I get your phone number?" Castiel asks. I smile and write it down then hand it to him. Secretly hoping it was a good choice to make.

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