Abusive boyfriend

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Warning: Physical abuse, some swearing

Your POV

"Lauren.... baby I'm home!!" Your drunk boyfriend slurs as he stumbles and makes his way to your shared bedroom.

"Hey, sexy. Let's have some fun." He says trying to get your flannel off. "Not tonight ,(Y/BF/N). I have to get up early." You say lightly pushing his hands away.

This only angers him and he grabs your arm roughly and pulls you out of bed. You swear you hear something in your shoulder rip. "Listen here you worthless slut. If I want sex, I am getting it!" He yells at you then slapping you so hard across the face that you see stars.

He then shoves you on to the bed and pins you down. Tears stream down your face as he undresses you then forces himself in you so hard that you're screaming for him to stop as blood pores out of your intimate area.

"Shut up!" He punches you in the jaw and yanks you off the bed and throws you into the wall. You hit the ground in a painful heap and he kicks you in the stomach a couple of times before leaving the room.

You have hunted the supernatural ever since you could remember. But for some reason you could never stand up to your biggest challenge. Him. You hide the bruises from Sam and Dean and they never notice just how broken you really are. To them you are a strong, confident woman. But on the inside you are a scared girl screaming for help.

The next day you wake up in a small puddle of blood and you're naked and on the floor. Crap. You carefully get up and clean the room. Then you go to the bathroom to examine your body. Your stomach is black and blue, your face has a purple bruise in the shape of a human hand and your left shoulder is swollen and black and blue.

You take a shower and get ready for the hunt with the guys. Your clothes hide the bruises on your arms and shoulder and you put makeup on your face to cover the handprint shaped bruise. It's water proof so you won't sweat it off. Once you grab your duffle of weapons you toss it in the back of your jeep with your good arm, which thankfully is your dominate.

Pretty soon you arrive at the motel that Sam and Dean are staying at. They smile and wave at you as they walk out of their room and up to your car.

"Hey, beautiful." Dean winks, this makes you blush slightly. "Hey Dean, hey Sammy." You smile at the two Winchester boys. "Hey, Lauren." Sam says playfully punching your bad shoulder which makes you flinch. You pretend it didn't happen and force a smile onto your face, but the boys aren't buying it, but decide to ask about it later.

"So, you boys ready to take down this nest of vamps?" You ask with mock excitement. They laugh at your enthusiasm and go to the Impala.

You take the lead and drive down the empty back roads of Tennessee. This is your hometown so you know these roads like the back of your hand. You choose to drive your own car because you like to have the top of your jeep down to feel the wind blow your hair back. It calms you before a big hunt.

Once you reach the old abandoned paint mill you park the car and hop out. Your injured body making you limp slightly. "Lauren, you okay? You're limping." Sam asks concerned as you pull out a machete and some throwing knives. "Yeah, I fell down the stairs this morning." You say looking down at your shoes. Sam tilts his head to the side in confusion. He knows you aren't clumsy or accident prone.

"You guys ready?" Dean asks as he grabs his machete. You both nod and head inside. "Alright, there are three tunnels. Everyone take a tunnel and if you're in trouble, scream loud." Dean instructs in a firm voice. You all go down your separate tunnels. You painfully walk down the tunnel and when you reach the end there oare two vamps.

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