You have a migraine

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Dean: Your head hurts so bad that you can't move. The curtains in your room are closed and the light is off. You are laying under the blankets trying to block out as much noise as you can.

You feel your head start to feel better until there's a knock at you door and the pain intensifies. "Lauren? Baby. are you okay? You've been in your room all day." You hear Dean ask concerned. You then hear the slight squeak of the door opening and closing.

"Why is it so dark in here?" Dean wonders. You uncover yourself to tell him to leave the lights off but it's too late and the bright lights only makes the pain worse.

"Ahh!! Turn it off, turn it off!!" You say desperately. He turns them back off and comes over to where you are siting. "What's wrong?" Dean asks while rubbing your back. "I have a migraine." You manage to say.

Dean then leaves and then comes back with some headache medicine and some water. You gratefully take the medication and drink the water. After you hand Dean the bottle he sets it on the night stand and crawls in bed with you.

You spend the rest of the day in Dean's arms as he gently strokes your hair, which eventually lulls you to sleep.

Sam: You are in the study doing research about a potential case when suddenly a searing pain rips through your skull. The light becomes too much and you hide your face in your hands.

The noise is not exactly helping either. Dean, Sam, and Cas just got back from a supply run and they are being really loud. "Lauren? Sweetheart, we're home!" Sam shouts through the bunker.

You hear foot steps hurry to you and you know Sam is right there. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asks softly. "I have a bad migraine." You explain. You then hear more foot steps and you feel Sam's presence once more.

"Here take these." He says gently while handing you pain medicine. You smile and take the meds. "Thank you, Sammy." You tell him as he pulls you close to him blocking the light from your eyes.

Castiel: You are sitting on the couch talking to Cas when suddenly your head begins to hurt. A lot. "Sunshine, what's wrong?" He asks concerned. "I have a migraine." You tell him. He looks at you with a confused face. "DEAN?" He shouts, which is too much for you to handle.

You cover your ears as Dean comes into the room. "What Cas?" He responds. "What's a migraine?" He asks like a small child.

"It's when your head feels like it's being smacked into a wall over and over. " Dean explains.

"Oh.. I was asking because Lauren has one." Cas says pointing at your bent over figure as you try to block out the light. "Well, no wonder her head hurts if you're screaming in her ear." Dean says leaving to get pain medicine.

He returns soon after and hands them to you. "Thank you." You say, he nods a you're welcome and you take the meds.

"So, tell me more about this migraine." Cas asks you. "Well, a migraine..."

You sit there the rest of the day explaining migraines to Cas...

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