You get your period

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Warning: Mild swearing

Dean: Your inner most organs feel like they might explode. Dean notices you curled up on the cold tile floor and kneels next to you with a worried look on his face. "Babe, what's wrong?" He asks.

"Mother Nature cursed me with satan's sacrificial waterfall." You say moaning as the pain wracks your body.

"You've been cursed?" He screeches, this makes you laugh really hard. "No baby, it's my period. I have really bad cramps."

"Ewww." He says like a child while scrunching his face. "Please help me." You say putting on your best puppy face that Dean has never been able to say no to.

He picks you up and gently lays you on the bed then leaves the room. He soon comes back with your bottle of Midol, some snickers bars and some funny movies. You smile at how sweet he is being and let him take care of you the rest of the week.

Sam: Your cramps are so bad that you can't keep anything down and you're really weak. Sam notices you gripping the toilet as you spill your lunch into it.
"Love, are you okay?" He asks desperately while pulling your hair away from your face.

When you're done you lean into Sam while clutching your stomach. "(Y/N), what's wrong? Please talk to me." He pleads with you. You let a small smile onto your face and kiss his cheek. "It's my period, Sammy. It's really bad though, I can't keep anything down... I'm really dizzy.... and.. and-"

you're cut off by your stomach lurching and you dry heave into the toilet. Nothing is coming out, but Sam sits there right by your side. Rubbing your back and keeping your hair out of your face. When you're done Sam helps you up and you brush your teeth. He gently picks you up and carries you to your shared bedroom.

He then leaves and comes back with a hot water bottle and your favorite old stuffed monkey. "Where did you find doctor banana?" You ask as Sam hands you the monkey then crawls into bed with you. You hold the bottle to your sore stomach and Sam holds you gently while rubbing your back.

"Dean found him behind the couch." He says, you nod and make a mental reminder to thank him. "Sammy?" You ask like a small child. "Yes, baby girl?" He replies smiling down at you. "I love you." He smiles even bigger and kisses your forehead. "I love you too." The both of you eventually fall asleep in each other's arms.

Cas: he is standing in a corner throwing chocolate at you while you give him your most terrifying death glare. "What the hell is all this chocolate on the floor for?" Dean asks angrily as him and Sam come home from a hunting trip.

"Tell them what you said, Cas." You spit angrily. The brothers look at you kind of scared. They had never seen you this angry.

"I told her that she was bleeding on her pants, and if she was having a miscarriage because she looked kind of swollen." He says scared to death.

You go to lunge at him but Sam holds you back. "Calm down, tiger." He says patting your back. "Cas, that is definitely not something you say to a girl on her period." Dean laughs shaking his head. Cas only tilts his head to the side. "What's a period?" This makes you and he brothers go silent.

Then you all sit in the living room for hours explaining the period to Cas.

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