Camping with Sam

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"Come on, Sammy we're almost there!" You exclaim excitedly as you and your ever complaining boyfriend Sam hike further into the woods towards your desired camping spot.

"You said that an hour ago." He complains once again while adjusting his backpack.

About fifteen minutes later you two finally reach the spot where you used to camp as a little kid.

"Well, what're you waiting for? Let's get started!!" You say happily while starting to put together the tent as Sam builds a make shift fire pit.

Once that's done the sun is just barely peaking over the horizon and you and Sam sit side by side next to the warm fire that Sam built.

Then the unexpected happens... A big adult male moose walks out of the woods and starts happily munching on the grass nearby. You elbow Sam softly and point it out.

"Hey, look, it's your cousin!!" You burst into a fit of laughter at your lame joke and Sam just gives you his ever famous bitch face.

Let's just say that it was the best camping trip ever.

Supernatural Imagines, Short Stories, and One ShotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu