Sam and Dean surprise you with a baby shower

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Pregnancy series part 3

You are sitting in the library rubbing your belly while doing research for the guys. They didn't allow you to hunt but you don't mind. As long as you can still help with the research.

"Hey baby girl, what you do have for us?" Dean says sitting in the chair next to you then rubbing your feet and ankles. You sigh in content and smile at him. "Were is Sam?" You ask and as if by chance Sam walks right on in.

"I'm here." He says taking a seat. "Alright boys, it looks like Jinn are terrorizing Texas." Dean pauses then goes back to rubbing your feet. "What are Jinn?" Sam asks.

"Immortal and indestructible creatures that where created before humans and after Angels. They are composed of "smokeless flame" or "scorching fire"." you respond to the youngest Winchester.

"So, how do we kill it?" Dean asks. "You can't, but you can trap it." You tell him. "Okay, so how do you trap it?" He asks. "You need to find a magically imbued genie bottle." You tell Dean while Sam reads the article you found on his laptop.

"Yeah, she's right. Great job Lauren, we would've never guessed." Sam praises you. You smile at him but it soon falters when you realize something. "What's wrong princess?" Dean ask noticing your behavioral change.

"Jinn are older then time, they're harmless. They seek to observe humans and their habits. Not slaughter entire towns. It just doesn't add up.... Although it could be a rouge." You say rubbing your belly when your little one stirs inside you.

Dean and Sam both smile at you when you motion for them to come feel the kicks. "Wow, that's incredible. Is it uncomfortable?" Sam asks. "Not at all." You smile as Dean kisses your temple and then your lips.

"Hello, hunters!" Cas says when he pops in the library. "Hey Cas." You smile at him. "You are in a good mood today." He says to you. "I'm just ready for this baby to come." You say rubbing your belly. "Speaking of, how far along are you?" Sam asks. "36 weeks." You tell him. "There's still so much to do, and so little time." You say pinching the bridge of your nose.

"Hey, it's okay. We'll figure it out." Dean says rubbing your back. He helps you up and gives you a warm and loving kiss. Then you give Sam and Cas big hugs and they leave to hunt the rogue Jinn.

Four days later...

It's been a few days since the guys left for the hunt. They haven't called and your nerves are getting worse everyday. You're about to call one of them when Cas zaps in. "Cas! Oh my gosh you're okay!! Where is Sam and Dean?" You ask while giving the angel a big hug.

"They will be back before you know it. But I have been instructed to escort you to the nearest diner for food." Cas says grabbing the keys to your jeep.

A few hours later you and Cas walk into the bunker. When you turn on the lights Sam and Dean jump out and yell, "surprise!" You look around at the wrapped boxes and then back at the guys. "What's going on?" You ask smiling and holding your belly.

"It's a surprise baby shower." Dean says with a proud smile on his face. When you get a better look at the bunker you see a couple balloons and streamers hanging up. Tears of joy come to your eyes and fall down your cheeks.

"Oh guys, it's beautiful. I love it!" You say happily as the brothers both hug you. "Okay, first open this one." Sam says handing you a newspaper wrapped box as you sit on the couch next to Dean. When you open it there is a fluffy white rabbit. "thank you Sammy. It's perfect." Sam smiles and hugs you.

"Here you are." Cas says handing you his newspaper wrapped box. When you open it there is a onesie that says "if you think I'm cute you should see my mommy" and another one that says " right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg, at each respectable opening and in the middle it says "You can do this dad". You show it to Dean and it makes him laugh.

"Alright princess, now it's my turn." He says helping you up. He then leads you to your old room and the door has a big bow on it. When he opens the door you see a beautiful nursery. There is a crib, a changing table, a dresser and an adorable rocking chair.

When you look at the clothes in the dresser you see a grey guns and roses onesie that says "sweet child of mine"
"Oh it's perfect. You guys are the best!" You say with happy tears running down your face.

Each of the guys gives you a big hug and then Sam and Cas leave you to explore the nursery with Dean. "This is amazing babe." You say wrapping your arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around your waist. He kisses your nose and you rest your forehead against his. "I love you, princess." He says softly.

"I love you too, Dean."

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